RAB Practice Citation and Summary-Domenica

Part 1 MLA Citation

Berliner, Wendy. Schools Are Killing Curiosity; Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut up and Learn , 28 Jan. 2020, article “Schools Kill Curiosity” from The Guardian, a United Kingdom newspaper.

Part 2

The article “Schools are killing curiosity” by the author Wendy Berliner claims that they way children are obligated to learn in school to follow traditional education rules, limits their way of developing curiosity and imagination. Teachers in school discourage children from asking questions losing a lot of opportunities to learn. Children are born curious, it’s an important method that humans use to learn. Working on developing this method can improve children’s performance in school. Wendy Berliner emphasizes the importance of curiosity development, mentioning Susan Engel, a professor of developmental psychology , who found that younger children in elementary school asked between two and five questions in two-hour periods. As they get older, children didn’t even asked question at all, affecting their performance during school. Students who were found to be less curious had poor performance in school, while more curious students had a deeper understanding of the topic. Wendy Berliner concludes that teachers should encourage children in school to ask questions for the development of curiosity and creativity.

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