Outline and Opening – Aj

  1. I will be using the mentors quote in this writing
  2. The main idea of my education narrative will be that I was once a very rowdy kid who only did the bare minimum to get by until one man was able to change my mindset and determination with one saying.
  3. Outline:

Event 1- That one random day the teacher couldn’t handle it anymore and left

Event 2- Going to Middle School everyday goofing around still

Event 3- Turning my life around and acceding In everything I’ve ever done

Conclusion: I went from a mediocre student to an outstanding young man that flourish in every aspected in life

Overall Message: Everyone is capable of something. Never settle and allow yourself to get comfortable with your present self. There is always something you can be doing to better yourself and make you a better version of your past self.

4.”You will never be anything”. Those 5 words will always linger in the back of my head no matter how good I do. I never cared for how people, or anybody in general viewed me. Even from young, I always did as I please without any care for a second person’s opinion. I didn’t listen to any of my elders or teachers. I was pretty much a rowdy kid. Coming from a school that was under a garage you can already imagine the structure if it. Cement dust falling from the ceiling in the middle of class. The sound of BMW I8’s driving over us in the middle of math class. Fights everyday, Drama, and all of the above you can think. But for some reason there was always that one teacher. That no matter what was thrown at him he continued to teach. He wore a work pants with a dressy shirt and tie everyday. The tie was always a different continent and the outfit was always coordinated. For a very strict guy he was very flexible with his outfits. He always gave the occasional yell or strike to a student. Sometimes he would laugh it off and just out lunch detention. He was never the rude teacher so we tended to run over him alot. Sadly, We finally pushed him to his limits. It was a hot summer school day, I say about Ending May, beginning of June. The class was its usual rowdy but today was a little extra. We were louder, more energized, and especially more disrespectful this day. The teacher couldn’t even get a word out that day. Nobody listened, Nobody sat down, Nobody did anything. But what they wanted to do. My friends (as usual) were the loudest and the most annoying. We threw stuff, played music, all of the above. You would have thought there was a substitute teacher in the room. We continued to do whatever the hell we pleased the whole class. It felt like being given extra time in recess in kindergarten. The teacher continued to yell and yell until he couldn’t anymore. Suddenly there was a weird eerie feeling in the classroom that felt very unsettling. Then finally, The teacher snapped.

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