RAB source entry 2- Kayla Griffiths

Part 1: MLA citation 

Greenley, Rachel. “Opinion | This Is the Reality of America’s Fast-Fashion Addiction.” The New York Times, 25 Nov. 2022. NYTimes.com, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/25/opinion/warehouse-fastfashion-return.html.

Part 2:summary 

      The article “This Is the Reality of America’s Fast-Fashion Addiction”by …

Ilham Lawani -RQ and 3 sources

My research question is: Why Do Certain People Love and Hate Horror Movies and What Is the Psychology Behind It?

Here are links for my three sources:

Source 1 news piece:


Source 2 opinion piece:


Source 3 “Video”:…

My 3 Sources- Evelyn Castillo

My research question is: How does Pain Dismissal Affect Women’s Health?

Here are links for my three sources:

Source 1 news piece


Source 2 opinion piece


Source 3 Ted Talk video