success tips-Kayla Griffiths

My first tip for college life is 1. Consistency, being consistent is extremely important when it comes to college because if you fall behind on your classes, it can be a pain to catch up. It is also extremely important to be consistent when approaching college life because every professor is different and they may or may not allow late work/projects. it’s also extremely important to be consistent because if you pace yourself by studying every single day, you’ll be able to digest the material better and do well on your final exams. Being consistent is also important because it helps build good habits when it comes to submitting work on time. Being consistent is also a good habit to have because it helps with making progress and overcoming challenges. Being consistent can also help with setting goals in order to ensure your success as a student.

My second tip for success in college would be 2. Getting out of your comfort zone. Getting out of your comfort zone in college is quite hard but its benefits are extremely rewarding. Being social in college is extremely important because sociability can help with finding out crucial things that you may or may not have missed during the lecture. Being in college is very beneficial for students because it promotes a healthy working environment within a classroom. Being social in college also can help develop Networking skills that can be applied to future jobs after college. Lastly being sociable in college can provide a person with new perspectives on how to do their work properly

1 thought on “success tips-Kayla Griffiths”

  1. I like your phrase of pacing yourself. Yes if you pace yourself in a race, you will get to the finish. If you fall behind, you will have to put out a herculean effort to get to the finish. So being consistent and doing a little but all the time and to keep up will help in the long run.

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