College Tips-Joshua

Tip 9: I feel like asking for help is the primary part of being in college. Asking a classmate or teacher for help doesn’t make you feel dumb, it makes you a better person. It also makes the professor understand that you’re struggling on the subject and can explain it very clearly. I feel like this is something everybody really struggles on in life and occasionally does not reach out to anyone for any help support on the topic. I also feel like i also struggle with this a lot when i was in high school and I was very nervous to ask a teacher for help.

Tip 3: I feel like many people don’t really like when somebody calls on them to read or answer a question cause they feel like if they answer a question wrong they feel dumb, but overall it’s okay cause it makes you a brave and courage to participate cause the professor can understand what they might be struggling on and then give you the correct answer and break it down on why it’s actually correct.

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