Tips For College Success—Ilham L.

TIP 5: Understanding Deadlines

I chose this tip because I feel like it’s one of the things I struggle with. When I was in high school during covid and we were doing hybrid, I developed this habit when we would get work posted on Google Classroom and it was due at 11:59 pm I would start working on it 15 min before the deadline because I found that I performed well under pressure and on the clock, that is when I deliver my best work. Not working with deadlines can lead me to procrastinate so much that I miss the deadline and submit my homework late. This isn’t very convenient since the whole point of the homework, is to help us work toward our major unit assignment. I also cannot afford to procrastinate and miss the deadlines while I also have other class work to do and other assignments to complete and on top of that going to work. I know that this is a bad habit, and I should be doing my work before the deadline and not 15 or 10 min before. I hope to change this habit throughout the semester.

TIP 7: Find Study Skills That Work for You

I chose this tip because it relates to the first tip I used. Looking through all these slides, I felt like these tips are the main 2 tips that could help me lead a successful College Life. I chose the tip “finding study skills that work for you” because, after my high school experience, I need to learn to change the way I study and just find a new way to study that works for me. The best way to study or complete my assignment for an English class or writing class personally is before I start the assignment or paper, I’d watch or read some motivational movie, show, or book like it doesn’t even have to be motivational, like one of my favorite shows. I sit and watch, then my mind gets into the headspace as if I’m the director directing the movies or the actor acting out a role, I  then take this inspiration and apply it on paper.

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