Success Tips– Arturo Sandoval

Tip 1: The first tip i chose is Tip 3: Participate. I chose this tip because I realize that I don’t really participate as much as I should. I realize now that participating is important because it shows the professor that you’re paying attention and it shows yourself that you understand what’s going on. The way I’ll be using this tip in class is by offering to read out loud when nobody else does, I’ll answer any questions the professor has when I get the chance. I wouldn’t really like to participate in class before because I would always be nervous to get the answer wrong but now i realized that you’re not always going to be right so might as well answer and get those participation points then stay quiet and have those doubts in your mind.

Tip2: I chose Tip 4: Check the syllabus. The reason I chose this tip is because the syllabus has a ton of important information that can help you succeed. For example let’s say you miss a day of class and don’t know what you need to do for the week, you can always check the syllabus for due dates, assignments, where to find those said assignments, any important things for class for example a print out of an article like we’ve been doing this week. I would never check the syllabus before and because of that I feel like I cheated myself of a better grade because if I would’ve checked the syllabus I would’ve known the grading policy, the due date and all that important stuff. To avoid this problem I will try to check the syllabus everyday and if not everyday I will check it a couple times a week.

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