The video Asian Woman Share Fear Of Harassment the hook starts of with three asian american woman being interviewed about their experience with asian harassment. They each start sharing their experience and it shows you their emotions and how it has affected them. The intro also shows how they all connected due to all three of them experiencing the same thing. The text does incoperate research because it tells and shows you evidence from asian american women experiencing the same thing, it also goes on to show evidence from the news saying how even asian americans died due to people pushing them on the tracks and getting assulted in their own home. The video isn’t long but it’s very well put together to send out a message to people on why hate crime is a terrible thing. The primary audience is people who are racist against asians and why they should not continue to do it because it’s affecting peoples lives and making it hard for them to live and it’s making them live in fear. The text comes to an end saying how all three asian american girls are still terrify when it comes to going outside I think this is a great way to close it off because it gives the reader emotions and thinks of way of how we can change this hate crime.
Good — I will just add a few things to think about:
Good that you noticed the intro/hook used a common factor in these three Asian women: The intro also shows how they all connected due to all three of them experiencing the same thing. (BETTER TO SAY all three of them targetted in a hate crime instead of “the same thing” — Replace vague with specific!)
The video uses story telling by having each interviewee tell their story of being assaulted. FOLLOW THE QUESTIONS. Notice that there is STORYTELLING in this video.
Good you notice that the women feel: terrified when it comes to going outside I think this is a great way to close it off because it gives the reader emotions and thinks of way of how we can change this hate crime. You can add that the video is using pathos because it appeals to the viewers emotions and makes them feel empathy for the women. SO WILL YOU USE PATHOS in your video interview? OR ETHOS? OR LOGOS?
Notice the visuals: The outdoor setting in a city park showing the coming of spring when the women say the warming weather brings out the fear of letting their Asian features show as they will change to spring-like clothing. So the visuals point out that this type of hate crime may increase as spring comes. Also the outdoor setting, the spring-like weather is a contradiction to the fear these women feel. Interesting to note how the setting makes a certain tension in the video. Fear yet spring-like sunny weather.
Note the structure of letting each in turn tell her story. Focus on each story one at a time. How are the questions arranged? How will you order your questions in your interview?