Project Proposal — Ahsan

Why do muslims still face discrimination in the United States?

I want my audience to know that Islamaphobia exists till this day because the incident Muslims were blamed for. i want them to know how and why this outcome greatly effects Muslims and Islamic communities.

My Audience will be partially half Muslims and Non muslims to their different perspectives. I am considering on doing a podcast and have like 2-4 guests. I plan on thinking of ideas of what questions to ask them then. Ill look at at some of the resources that’ll give me ideas on to make this podcast better. Then probably go to a local Mosque to ask these people these questions. The mentor text ill be implying is

1 thought on “Project Proposal — Ahsan”

  1. You have NOT given thoughtful answers to the guiding questions for the Proposal. AND you have not given a clear idea of what you will do.

    You have NOT given a clear picture of what your message is.

    In fact, the problem here might just be that you have NOT done adequate work on your RAB, so you do not have much to work with.

    In addition: Have you chosen your mentor text carefully? How would you use the Holocaust Survivior podcast as your example? IT focuses on one man’s story. You have 2 to 4 ppl you are planning to interview. How will your chosen podcast help you? What questions will you be asking? These questions MUSt come out of your research.

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