RAB Proposal Paragraph – Wendbendo(Update)

My research question is: What is the impact of French military interventions in African countries on regional stability and conflict resolution? This topic interests me because my country, Burkina Faso, recently expulsed the French military from the country because of the conflict between terrorists and Burkinabe. French military intervention in African countries has been a major issue in Africa for several decades. France has intervened in many African countries, including Mali, Ivory Coast, Central African Republic, and Chad, among others. French interventions have been both welcomed and rejected by different African countries, and I want to explore the reasons behind these different reactions. Additionally, I want to understand how these interventions have impacted the stability and conflict resolution efforts in the region. I plan to explore the historical background of French military interventions in Africa, the motives behind these interventions, the current state of conflict in African countries where France has intervened, and the future implications of these interventions.


“Macron Acknowledges French Colonization of Africa as a ‘Mistake’,” by Constant Méheut and Ruth Maclean. The New York Times, April 14, 2022, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/14/world/africa/france-macron-africa-colonies.html.  

“France Deploys Military Forces to Burkina Faso,” by Constant Meheut and Ruth Maclean. The New York Times, January 25, 2023, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/01/25/world/africa/france-military-burkina-faso.html.   

“France’s Macron Tries to Reboot Relationship With Africa,” by Constant Meheut and Ruth Maclean. The New York Times, March 2, 2023, https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/02/world/africa/france-macron-africa.html.

10 thoughts on “RAB Proposal Paragraph – Wendbendo(Update)”

  1. Good topic.

    You said this topic interest you because in the multicultural and religious environment. What are the name of these cultural and which one you eventually believe in? In addition, in your RAB include all the names of the major religions and why do each religion have criticism over other religions.

    1. Hello Wendbenedo, I think your choice topic is great. I think it would be interesting to look at some of the commonalties in religious texts, recurring characters and their actions, and events like the great flood which almost all religious texts have mentioned. I also want to know what religions you grew up around/pratice(d).Perhaps you could write in your RAB about how being in a multi-religion environment gave you some insight and perspective into multiple religions and maybe how that made you more open minded to explore other religions.

  2. I think this is interesting because I grew up with a religon which is christianity. I would like to know growing up did you have any struggles with your religon beliefs?

  3. We talked today after class in office hours about swtiching topics.So get your new RQ and RAB proposal up here to the open lab

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