Tip 1: Come to class PHYSICALLY. I feel that this skill is really important, and it is to me personally. My last semester I had a class that I wasn’t really doing my best in, I missed a class and two. Missing class is not a position you want to put yourself in. A lot of people think oh they can just miss skip one class. No, even skipping one class can put you down a path of failure. That can snowball into disaster. When you miss just one class that is full of information. That will step you up to have a lack of understanding than everybody else, causing you to play catch up with the rest of the class. This rule is something that I have done in the past and needs correcting right away.
Tip 9: Ask for help with things you don’t understand. This is something that I still struggle with, I find it hard even now to ask for help with things that I don’t understand. Additionally it is necessary that we understand the lessons we are learning, so we should seek help when needed. If we are struggling with something and we don’t ask for help we are just hurting ourselves. I can defiantly use this in class when I have a question whether its asking for professor after class or if its messaging other students if they know or if they are struggling with the same things. But I wont know if I don’t ask them or know if the professor can help me.