Douglass and Resilience – Matthew Gonzalez

Part A:

“The reading of these documents enabled me to utter my thoughts, and to meet the arguments brought me forward to sustain slavery; but while they relieved me of one difficulty, they brought on another even more painful than the one of which I was relieved. The more I was I read, the more I was led to abhor and detest my enslavers. I could regard them in no other light than a band of successful robbers, who had left their homes, and gone to Africa, and stolen us from our homes, and in a strange land reduced us to slavery.” pg 2

In this passage Douglass comes to a big realization once he starts reading documents and actually becomes literate enough to get a deep understanding of what is happening to him and his race. In this passage it really highlights that the more knowledge that your have the more freedom you obtain. But also allows him to really think for himself, and really form his own thoughts. The reading that he read takes him form a sort of ignorant state that he was in for most his life and makes him learn the harsher truths of the world.

Part B:

One Hardship I that I encountered in my own academic career is procrastination. I wasn’t always like this when I was younger, all the way back up to middle school I used to always be on top if my assignments but once high school started I started slipping in my work. I just always thought that I could force myself with willpower to finish everything at once. I was just trying to get everything done one day before deadlines thinking I had the dedications for that. When you have procrastination you think always commit to doing everything last minute, or next time I will space it out better next time. But you end up in this cycle of false promises to yourself. Its a hard cycle to break and easy to fall into.

A coping method to use is the Pomodoro Technique. Its a good way to deal with procrastination. This involves breaking up the work into “Pomodoro’s,” or 25-minute sessions, with quick pauses in between. Four Pomodoro’s should be finished before a longer break. This method lessens the long session of work and stops the feeling of being overtaken by a challenging assignment and helps to enhance motivation hopefully . In addition, making a to-do list, finding responsibility through a friend  and having clear, reachable goals can all help you beat procrastination.

1 thought on “Douglass and Resilience – Matthew Gonzalez”

  1. Part A: You need to read more carefully. One place you have misunderstood is this: he more knowledge that your have the more freedom you obtain. Actually Douglass feels that reading has become a curse because what he now knows about his own pistion causes him pain. PLEASE LOOK AT THE ANNOUCNEMENTS WHERE I PUT IN an example of how this kind of HW should be done. Here I am asking you to translate the writer’s words — sentence by sentence in your own words.

    Part A — Pomodoro that means tomato in Italian! Where did you learn this and can you show me HOW you apply this to a particular HW situation of procastination? More details please!

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