Douglass and Resilience-Angel

part a:

“the dialogue represented the conversation which took place between them, when the slave was retaken the third time. In this dialogue, the whole argument in behalf of slavery was brought forward by the master, all of which was disposed of by the slave. The slave was made to say some very smart as, well as impressive things in reply to his master‐things which had the desired though unexpected effect; for the conversation resulted in the voluntary emancipation of the slave on the part of the master.”page 2 line 21 27

From reading this part of the text I understood that when Douglass was reading books about slavery he was seeing himself in the characters shoes. I feel like this is important because in a sense it was giving him hope to keep on educating himself. This was his motivation to keep on reading and learning as a slave because he knew what life he wanted outside of slavery. It gave him an open mind to not only help himself but the ones around him to become more educated because it gives them a sort of power.

part b:

An obstacle I overcame in my educational journey was going to school during the pandemic. Before the pandemic going to school was exciting to me, I always looked forward to going. Then March 2020 everything changed for the worse. Changing my entire routine to wake up and login to zoom everyday was challenging. It was hard to stay focused while being home all day, while video games and sleeping were so accessible. It was a complete different way of life, it made me very lazy and I wasn’t motivated to do anything. After about two months of getting used to it, I was so focused that I wanted to graduate high school early, and I did.

A strategy I developed to increase resilience is to stay off social media. I notice that when Im using my phone when I have to complete a task, I tend to get very distracted. If its on instagram, twitter, or even tik tok, I can be scrolling for hours. For the most part Im not even interested on what pops up on social media I just do so time can pass/procrastinate, which is honestly one of the worse things I still do. Im still working on it but I have gotten a lot better. Especially when if Im alone and don’t have any access to social media that is when my resilience increases.

3 thoughts on “Douglass and Resilience-Angel”

  1. The pandemic was a very difficult time for all of us, I personally am very glad that we are out of it. It was also quite interesting to read your perspective on going to school in the pandemic because it highlights just how vastly different the same experiences can be on different people because some people believe school in the pandemic was much easier while others like you and I, are so refreshed to be out of it and hope to never end up in a situation like that again.

  2. I agree the pandemic was the worst part especially because I was finally getting out of my comfort zone and socializing with people and then the pandemic hit. I also understand how you get easily distracted with social media i am the same way.

  3. Part A: Look at the example HW I put in my Announcements for how to do this type of HW activity. I am asking yout to: translate the writer’s words — sentence by sentence in your own words.

    Part B: OK! Yes social media is a rabbit hole!

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