Read Like A Writer- Anthony Clara

‘I chose to include each of the details that the revised sentence omits, so it’s worth considering why. Why did I mention where the theater was located? Why did I explain that I was living
in London right after finishing college? Does it matter that it was after
college? What effect might I have hoped the inclusion of these details
would have on readers? Is this reference to college an attempt to connect with my audience of college students? Am I trying to establish my
credibility as an author by announcing that I went to college? Why
might I want the readers to know that this was a theater owned by
Andrew Lloyd Weber? Do you think I am just trying to mention a
famous name that readers will recognize? Will Andrew Lloyd Weber
figure prominently in the rest of the essay?
These are all reasonable questions to ask”

the reason why i choose this quote because i feel it’s important to add details to your essay because without it would just be simple and not grab the readers attention. it also helps the reader wanting to keep on reading the essay and help them have a better understanding of the story.

3 thoughts on “Read Like A Writer- Anthony Clara”

  1. You mostly used a long quote from Bunn, but you did not answer my question!

    Anthony — pls pls remember when to use capital letters!

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