Intro – Nicholas

My name is Nicholas Dufont, but everyone I know just calls me Nick. I am a freshman at City Tech majoring in electrical engineering. My family is full of people working in trades, but we don’t have any electricians in the family, so I chose my major in the hopes of becoming one. I’m not the strongest in math so this is a bit of a difficult major for me, but I am trying to stay committed and see it through. Hopefully I can make it through and go to a good trade school to get some more hands on experience.

Family picture in Grenada.
My Mom, Niece, Nephew, Friend and Me in Grenada.

I was born and raised here in Brooklyn, and in April I turn 19. Basically all of my family is from Grenada, a small island in the Caribbean we go to every summer to relax and see family. Some thing I enjoy doing in my free time are basketball, video games, and recently I’ve been getting really into cars. I spend a lot of time playing on my racing sim, trying to learn more about cars, or finding ways to make money to buy a car.

3 thoughts on “Intro – Nicholas”

  1. Nice to meet you, Nick! It sounds like you have a clear goal in mind with your major in electrical engineering, and it’s admirable that you’re willing to put in the effort to succeed despite it being a bit difficult for you. Your background in Brooklyn and family connections in Grenada add some interesting dimensions to your identity. It’s great that you have some hobbies and interests outside of school like basketball, video games and cars. Best of luck to you in your studies.

  2. Having a family in trades seems really cool, if you are going to learn to trade as well got for it, get that money. Also what made you want to really be an electrician. I know some of the classes that you have to take and they can be pretty difficult, so good luck. Its nice that you have multiple hobbies to make sure you have something to do outside of classes, make sure to keep yourself sane.

  3. Wow so cool that you get to summer in Grenada. Thx for the lovely picture. What a great swimmning hole! I love to swim in natural spots. So what is Grenadian culture like? Food? Language?

    I have heard that becoming an electrician is a good career with a good salary. Does City Tech have this major? Or courses that lead to this study?

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