Background music is upbeat but relaxing
This is a theater/interview podcast. The beginning is an introduction of the narrator and the person being interviewed.
Narrator: Hello I am your narrator and today I am interviewing (Random Name) who has a learning disability and how she deals with it during their classes. Throughout this interview, I will be asking questions to them how it feels to be discriminated against and what they do to deal with this discrimination. And we will also be having a special guest near the end of this interview.
(Random Name): Hello, thank you for having me here even though I don’t have any learning disability, actually why am I here?
Questions for student
- Tell me what you do to focus in class.
- What solutions should there be for any students out there struggling with their learning disabilities?
- Tell me about how you felt when you were told you had dyslexia
Questions for teacher
- Why did you assume (Random Student) had dyslexia?
- Tell me about (Random Student)’s behavior during class?
- Do you believe you were right for assuming that (Random Student) have dyslexia?
Narrator: Thank you all for listening to this podcast, please tell us what your input is on what (Random Student) said and what (Random Teacher) says. I personally think that (Random Name) is correct but that’s just my idea. Thank you and goodnight or good day or good afternoon. Whatever Cut!

WHO are your interviewees?
. THis cannot be a random person. You need to have some one you have chosen — WHO?
incorporate your research! your newly gained knowledge from your RAB must be in this podcast.
That’s from announcements so read carefully this announcement.
ALSO i don’t understand how this could be a theatre type of podcast? That is what you said at the top. SO –Where is the theatrical and drama and fictional aspect ofyour podcast?