Outline Genre Project Podcast — Bri

Title: Behind the Screens: Growing Up in the Social Media Age

This is an interview podcast. 

  1. The Intro:

*Sounds of multiple notifications sound*

The first thing that I do when I wake up is check my phone, specifically TikTok or Instagram. As someone who wears glasses before even putting them on when I wake up, I squint to view the content on my phone. Laughter *adds in laughing sounds* comes from my voice as I watch a funny video. This is my routine every morning when I wake up. Yes, I can try to blame it on my siblings taking so long in the bathroom, which is why I use my phone to pass time, but that is not always the case. In this podcast, I will be interviewing Britney Morris, my sister, to hear her views on the negative effect of social media on teenagers. She is currently 21 and spends a lot of time on social media. The main reason I chose her is because she grew up in an era when social media became a big thing. She was a teenager during this time and witnessed early on the effects of social media on young girls.

  1. The Middle Part
  1. How would you say social media affects you?
  2. What would happen if you found out someone you are acquainted with unfollowed you on Instagram?
  3. Do you look up to anyone on social media? If so, who and why?
  4. Tell me about the first time you noticed social media affecting you.
  5. Tell me about a time you experienced FOMO because of social media.
  6. What would you do if a conflict arose on social media involving you?
  7. Can you tell me about how something on social media did not make you happy?
  8. Is it challenging to disconnect from social media? How does that affect your daily life?
  9. What is your favorite social media platform, and why? 
  10. Tell me about the strategies you use to maintain a balance between social media and your life.

III. The Outro

As we wrap up our chat with Britney Morris, one thing is clear: social media is a big part of our daily lives since it affects how we view things! Thanks, Britney, for sharing your thoughts with me. And to all of my listeners, take a moment to think about how social media fits into your life. It is a significant part of our daily lives, but it is essential to find a balance. Maybe try taking a short break from social media and see how it goes. The special moments do not always happen online. Until next time, this is Brianna Morris, signing off.

1 thought on “Outline Genre Project Podcast — Bri”

    1. Do not forget that you must incorporate the research you learned in your RAB with at least TWO solid points in your podcast. I should see evidence of some solid research in your podcast. Somewhere in your podcast – you must give some background. This could be like a little report of what you have learned FROM YOUR RESEARCH or you can work your research in more creatively. I suggest giving this as part of your intro or your ending or even in the way you handle your interview conversation. If give this research in your intro, you can build on this in your middle section. If you give this research in your ending, then you build upon things that were said in your Middle section and lead to a concluding note. You can also demonstrate your research knowledge in the middle section in your conversation part. Engage in conversation with your interviewee that shows you have done RAB research.
    2. This podcast must show clear evidence that it comes out of Unit Two — so — if you could have made this podcast without doing the research project — then you need to rethink your podcast!
    3. If you are doing an interview type of podcast, then your questions should come out of your research. If doing more of a conversation, engage in convo that demonstrates your newly gained knowledge.

    copied from the Announcements

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