Mentor Text Analysis of Podcast – Belinda

On The Day Their Concentration Camp Was Liberated, Two Former Prisoners Found Love” by Margot and Susan Moinester

Memories Of Grandma Silvia, And Slavery’s Legacy” by Ellaraino

Seeking an End to Cycles of Abuse” by Destiny Mabry

A Day in the Life of an Anxious High Schooler” by Cece Benz

The podcast that I chose is ““On The Day Their Concentration Camp Was Liberated, Two Former Prisoners Found Love” by Margot and Susan Moinester. The title is effective because the podcast is based on two people falling in love while they were in the concentration camp. In the intro, Margot used music to start off and then immediately talked about the facts of the day the holocaust started, mentioning the date. After that, she went into storytelling mode, “This is the story of two people…” which we know she’s going to hop into the story talking about her grandparents, Mina and Yehuda. She mentioned a little background story about how her grandparents met and how they fell in love. Mina had no shoes and was too hungry and Yehuda won Mina’s heart by giving her a pair of shoes and a potato. She got that information from her own parents making them the experts. Having a parent that is a child of the survivor already got Margot knowing the contexts beforehand. And after that, she transitioned into the interview with her mother, Susan by saying “Their daughter, Susan, and granddaughter, Margot, came to StoryCorps to remember…” We know that Margot is the speaker by starting the conversation with “What was it like being raised by two survivors?” and later on Susan replied to her. It’s a back and forth conversation where there’s Q/A involved. This makes the podcast an interview/personal podcast and a way to introduce the theme of this podcast. I also think Susan was already prepared with the questions beforehand. Margot also asked questions that are related to grandma Mina and started off the Q/A linking with the holocaust. The primary audience can be literally anyone because she said “And I want us all to never forget who we are and where we came from.” We all have a connection to our roots. She used a mix of pathos and logos where for pathos, her podcast is about the holocaust and holocaust is something that is touching and a one of the most tragic events that occurred in history. She also used logos because in the beginning of the podcast, she mentioned facts about the holocaust. The podcast was 3 minutes and 25 seconds long and it ended with a message along with music playing afterwards.

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