Rab source entry 3 – Daniela

Proposal question – How does lack of sleep affect an individual?

Part 1- MLA citation

R. M. M. (2022, March 21). Is Sleep Your Superpower or Cause of Your Downfall? | Why sleep matters! YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ra5QmwE_C1w

Part 2: summary 

 In the video “ Is Sleep Your Superpower or Cause of Your Downfall?| Why Sleep Matters! “ Doctor Rena Malik starts off her video by sparking the interest of her audience. She does this by asking the question. “ What if I told each and everyone of you that you have access to something that could improve your heart health and make you happier? “. She then goes into the topic of sleep. She starts discussing how our bodies know when it’s time to sleep, due to an “internal clock” we have. The internal clock is also known as the “ circadian rhythm “ which is present in the brain. Everyone has it, however its effects vary from person to person. That is why there are people who are “ morning people “ and people who are able to sleep past noon. Dr. Malik also touches on the fact that the number of hours you sleep plays a significant part in good quality sleep. However something that also plays a part is how deeply you sleep. Certain sleep disorders such as sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, or even caffeine intake can disrupt the sleep cycle. Lack of sleep can put your cardiovascular health at risk. It is a risk factor that has been backed by the American Heart Association. The immune system is also weakened by sleep deprivation, which can allow illnesses such as the rhinovirus and the common cold to seep in.

Part 3 : Reflection 

  As a college student I have always taken sleep very lightly. It is more than often that I’ve only slept four or five hours a night , then gone to school and handled other responsibilities. Then I come home late, and do it all again. The constant cycle of not getting enough sleep is draining, and this video has made me reflect on the importance of getting good quality sleep. The long term effects are alarming, and have made me prioritize sleep more. It is not something I take lightly anymore, and I strive to get at least 8 full hours every night. Instead of going my whole week feeling tired and trying to make up for it on weekends. 

Part 4 : Rhetorical analysis 

  The purpose of this video is to educate and inform. Rena Malik is a medical doctor. She received her medical degree from the New York University Grossman School of Medicine. She has been in the practice for over a decade and is associated with VA long beach healthcare system. Dr. Malik uses her youtube platform to inform others about different medical issues. She has made other videos on topics such as correlation between the bladder and brain, the effects drugs have on the brain, and she sometimes takes her viewers along with her to medical conferences.  This video is also verified and categorized by youtube as ” health related content “.

Youtube as a whole is not entirely reliable as anyone can post and discuss

Part 5 : Notable Quotables

“ You can see the effects of sleep deprivation if you don’t sleep for a night or most of the night, but it can also build up if you’ve had multiple nights where you’ve slept six or less hours and it can cause cumulative effects which can be more difficult to recognize “ (4:15)

“  In 2016 the American heart association released a statement that essentially said having sleep deprivation is a cardiovascular risk factor and the reason for this is when you are in lack of sleep your body revs up your sympathetic nervous system, which is your flight or fight system. “ (6:45) 

“ … people who slept less had a 20% higher risk of having a heart attack or a myocardial infarction, just from not sleeping enough. “ (7:05)

1 thought on “Rab source entry 3 – Daniela”

  1. Citation needs to be fixed — USE THE CITATION MACHINE!

    Summary is good. However many writing, mechanical, grammar mistakes, sentence errors in Summary and other parts! Proofread.

    Many points are missing in Rhet. Analysis. GO BACK AND REVIEW Rhetorical ANalysis!

    Good quotes chosen. Should these be in your Summary as MIs or SD Supporting Details?

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