RAB Source Entry 3 – Bri

Part 1: MLA Citation

ABCNews. “Teen Girls Open Up About the ‘Constant Pressure’ of Social Media.” YouTube, 2 Nov. 2017, https://youtu.be/dhGOLYMkdYc

Part 2: Summary

In this news segment, “Teen Girls Open Up About the ‘Constant Pressure’ of Social Media,” the news reporter Deborah Roberts sat down with a group of high school girls with their mothers to talk about challenges including society pressures, cyberbullying, and the impact of social media on them. These girls have a constant need to “outdo” their peers. They are also pressured to fit the preferred body image. Criticism on social media also adds to the stress. Nearly half of American teens admit to being victims of cyberbullying. Almost 30% of teen girls suffer from anxiety. These girls look up to Kendall Jenner and Ariana Grande for beauty standards. Their self-worth is “measured” by their online presence. They talk about how face-to-face, meaningful conversations are becoming rare. Despite these challenges, the girls show signs of growth and resilience. The mothers share their concerns about their daughters experiences and how they handle social media impacts and cyberbullying. This news segment aimed to shed light on the issues and challenges faced by teenage girls, emphasizing how social media can negatively affect young girls and why it is important to have open communication between parents and their children to support their well-being.

Part 3: Reflection

As an 18-year-old college freshman obsessed with social media, mainly Instagram and TikTok, the segment resonated with my daily life. Trying to show the best version of myself online, just like they talked about, is something I deal with every day. Instagram and TikTok are a big part of who I am. Every time I post on these apps, I have to constantly rewatch my post to make sure everything looks presentable to the public. If I see anything that looks bad, I will immediately delete it. I hate giving people a reason to talk about me, so I have a “perfect image” on social media,  even though behind the scenes it is far from that. These apps sometimes make it confusing for me because I’m not sure if I’m showing who I really am or just trying to fit in with what everyone thinks is “cool.”  It is like an ongoing process of trying to post the perfect thing. The talk about cyberbullying really hit me, even though I haven’t experienced it. Being aware that it’s common makes me more cautious when I’m online. This segment reminds me to take social media breaks when needed, stay strong, and make genuine connections in the midst of all the things online during my college years.

Part 4: Rhetorical Analysis

This piece is a news segment by Deborah Roberts. Her intended audience is teenagers, as well as their parents. The purpose of this news segment is to raise awareness about the challenges faced by teenage girls in today’s digital age. Roberts aimed to shed light on issues such as the pressure to follow society’s expectations, the impact of social media on body image, and cyberbullying. The tone is informative and empathetic. It is informative because it informs the audience about the challenges teenage girls face because of social media. The phrases “surprising details about their struggles” and “honest conversation” suggest an empathetic approach to understanding the experiences of these girls. Roberts uses pathos to connect with the audience by sharing personal stories and struggles from the teenage girls. Deborah Roberts is a credible author because she is one of the top black women in broadcast journalism. She is a television journalist for the ABC News division of the ABC broadcast television network.  ABC News is credible because it was ranked the second most trusted news organization by Americans, behind The Wall Street Journal.

Part 5: Notable Quotables

“Nearly 30% of teen girls suffer from anxiety.” (Roberts, 0:45)

“And with easy access to technology can come cyberbullying. Nearly half of American teens say they themselves have been victims.” (Roberts, 0:52)

“All of this cyberbullying creates an environment where our kids need to develop resilience and develop it early.” (Roberts, 1:05)

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