RAB Source Entry #1-Taniesha

“What type of discrimination do people with intellectual disabilities face? What solutions are there?”

Source Entry #1


My research question is, “What type of discrimination do people with intellectual disabilities face? What solutions are there?” This topic interests me because in 2010 in elementary school, my mother was told that I have a learning disability after I was held back in second grade. I overheard my mother telling someone on the phone saying, “They’re saying she has a learning disability, but I know she doesn’t, she just needs to try harder!” I already know that learning disabilities aren’t covered as much as physical disabilities and that other third world countries have a high percentage of learning disabilities due to not having schools in their country. Some points I plan to explore is what is the reason behind people being labeled with learning disabilities and what are some ways to fix this problem.


Part 1: MLA Citation

Maxino, Brina. “Millions of children with disabilities are missing out on education. Like me, they deserve to fulfill their potential.” CNN, 2 December 2020, https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/02/opinions/children-disabilities-education-intl-hnk/index.html. Accessed 13 October 2023.

Part 2: Summary 

In the article, “Millions of children with disabilities are missing out on education.”,by Brina Maxino, she wants more people to know the struggles that children with learning disabilities are going through and what people can do to help out. The author, Maxino uses pathos by sharing an experience she had when a psychologist told her parents that she had Down syndrome and how she persevered through the struggles she and her family had to endure through. The author also uses logos by referring to GEM reports saying that children with disabilities aren’t going to school due to their learning disabilities and that around 650 million people are living with learning disabilities in the Asia-Pacific region alone.

Part 3:Reflection

I mostly agree with the author’s points because children with learning disabilities should be include as well like the author said but I don’t think we should just have the teachers trained for children. I think we should aim to change the education system for children with learning disabilities because the education system is the root of the problem and most likely the reason why children with learning disabilities aren’t able to go to school.

Part 4: Rhetorical Analysis 

The author’s attitude towards her article is that she wants more people to know the struggles that children with learning disabilities are going through and what people can do to help out. The author, Maxino uses pathos by sharing an experience she had when a psychologist told her parents that she had Down syndrome and how she persevered through the struggles she and her family had to endure through. The author also uses logos by referring to GEM reports saying that children with disabilities aren’t going to school due to their learning disabilities and that around 650 million people are living with learning disabilities in the Asia-Pacific region alone. Maxino’s intended audience for her article is teachers and the education systems and the genre of her article is a news article/opinion piece. The author is credible because she is an assistant preschool teacher and an UNESCO Global Champion for Inclusion in Education. The news CNN is also credible because it is a 24 hours news about different stories that are not usually covered or overlooked by other news channels. 

Part 5: Notable Quotes

“The GEM Report found that about 40% of low and lower-middle income countries did not support them during temporary school shutdowns. Children with disabilities were – and still are – disproportionately affected.” (Maxino 1)

“Children with disabilities need to be included. This means being able to study in a mainstream school, where there are enough teachers trained to provide support and where there is specialized curriculum and textbooks. We also need more teachers with disabilities, like me, to act as role models and to reduce the marginalization of children with special needs.” (Maxino 2)

“It’s critical that education systems support and respond to all learners’ needs.” (Maxino 3)


4 thoughts on “RAB Source Entry #1-Taniesha”

  1. Hello Taniesha, I learned a lot from your first source entry. I like that you input a very smooth quote in the proposal paragraph. Bear in mind that the proposal paragraph is supposed to. be above Part 1 MLA Citation. Also, in the Notable Quotables, the punctuation mark should be after the parenthesis of the author’s name. A suggestion in your Rhetorical Analysis is the run-on sentence where you stated “Maxino’s intended audience for her article is teachers and the education systems and the genre of her article is a news article/opinion piece”, I think this can be separated into two sentences.

    1. Your topic is really interesting. The writing is also very good because it looks like you followed the templates that are provided. Some suggestions I have it to watch where you put the parenthesis and maybe you can include something else in your reflection.

  2. Please put the items in proper order.

    Proposal: You need more sentence for I already know that…Indeed you can speak about what you know because you have a learning disability. Your proposal needs to show much more passion and personal connection! Go back to the examples and the paragraph template.

    Summary: There are MI missing and your writing needs to be clearer.


  3. You summary is missing main ideas. Go back and re-read the article. SHow how the author opens or introduces her article!

    In fact this is an OPINION piece! You should note that in the Rhetorical Analysis and you can use this for your second source. (So you need a news or feature piece for Source 1.).

    You have mixed up the parts. Many of your statements in Rhetorical ANalysis belong in SUMMARY!

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