Rhetorical Analysis and Quotables-Taniesha

Part 4: Wendy Berliner is an author, award winning journalist and joint CEO of the Education Media Centre. Most of her articles were about children and the education they have received over the past years. Berliner uses logos by referring to research, she also uses pathos by creating an anecdote and lastly, she uses ethos by using professors in different subjects to prove her point. In the article that she wrote, her intended audience are educators, and the purpose was to spread awareness to educators saying that asking questions in schools shouldn’t be shut down. The genre of this article is a feature article, and this genre is effective because it is like a news article. It has research from different professors and Berliner uses her own experience in the article too. Berliner is credible because The Guardian is a UK based newspaper which has reliable sources.

Part 5: One quote is “Further, the researchers found that when it came to good school performance, the ability to stay focused and, for example, not be distracted by a thunderstorm, was less important than curiosity-the questions children might have about that storm.” (Berliner 2) Another quote is “Children are born curious. The number of questions a toddler can ask can seem infinite – it is one of the critical methods humans adopt to learn.”(Berliner 2) One last quote is, “Children should be prompted and encouraged to ask questions even though that can be challenging for the teacher.” (Berliner 3)

6 thoughts on “Rhetorical Analysis and Quotables-Taniesha”

  1. I like how you go into depth about who Berliner is and the types of articles she usually writes. I picked one of the same quotes as you because it really adds something to the article.

  2. I agree with the points you made. I like the way you started your analysis i think it flows well and is a well written piece. The background information on Berliner is also a good addition.

  3. I agree with your answers because it emphasizes what you need to explain. Your quotes show research from what Berliner included and how she encourages it.

  4. Your rhetorical analysis is good i see it includes everything that goes with it and the quotes you chose matches with your rhetorical analysis as well it supports what Berliner was trying to say in her article.

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