Practice Reflection — Diego

Part 3 Reflection:

I agree with the notion that the current education system teaches students to suppress their curiosity. I have lived through public education, where the curriculum is not the best but the intention of many educators is for the best interest of students. I had encounters with teachers who had to shut down students with questions. For example, when I was in elementary school, I would have friends who liked to ask multiple questions. The teacher, had to say, “Enough with the question.” Which hurts when you are a child that still does not understand that teachers have to get the lessons done by a certain time. Although, I believe many teachers don’t have the intention to damage children’s self-esteem, it does however affect our curiosity. When student’s get shut down, we resource to keep ourselves silent for the better of our behavior and feelings.

6 thoughts on “Practice Reflection — Diego”

  1. I agree with you that the intentions of the teachers aren’t the real true ones. I believe they do their job just to do it and get paid not to teach the students lessons and help them succeed.

  2. That last part it’s what really hit’s. The reason I relate to that is because I was a sensitive child. But just like many other children they are the same to. Which they’ll rather just keep to themselves to not feel hurt. You also have a comma error in there at the part that says “The teacher, had to say,” I believe it was a mistake but I recommend to take the minute to delete that one comma.

  3. i agree with a lot of the points you mentioned. A lot of teachers just want to get there days over with. They dont show much care to the students and just seem like they are there to get paid, We definitely need more teachers who actually care about there job.

  4. I feel like many of us have related to teachers ignoring us or putting us down because we want to ask questions. Teachers might not understand but after getting discouraged from asking question many of us will just give up trying because they have shown no interest. You did a good job explaining how this is not the case with all teachers but there are some who act like that.

  5. I agree with exactly what you said i’ve been through a similar situation where many teachers discouraged me and it kind of made me not want to speak up anymore. I would just say to next time include more information from the text then explain how you relate to it.

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