Summary Practice-Taniesha

Part I ML Citations-Berliner, Wendy. “’Schools are killing curiosity’: why we need to stop telling children to shut up and learn.” The Guardian, 28 January 2020, Accessed 17 October 2023.

Part 2 Summary-The main idea that the author, Wendy Berliner from her article “Schools Are Killing Curiosity: Why We Need to Stop Telling Children to Shut Up and Learn.” tells us that schools are killing the curiosity of children. The first supporting detail the author Berliner introduces her article by setting a scene with children pointing out the weather and the teacher drawing their attention back to the lesson. The second detail the author Berliner uses is that she mentions Engel, a professor from the department psychology at Williams College in Williamstown to prove her point that children who are less curious have higher grades than children who are more curious. The last detail the author Berliner uses an anecdote at the end of her article to say that it’s not the teachers’ fault, it is the system’s fault that makes children less curious.

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