Writing Task Saved – Diego

I. Interest – The first in my life I noticed my interest in architecture.

II. Quarantine – Online education altered my ability to concentrate on my education.

III. Mr. Adegbie’s Class – Architecture class that had on hands assignments.

IV. Internship – Earned experience on the career I want to partake in the future.


The sound of the second bell echoed the hallways, reaching inside room 356. We were seated in pairs per each column. This room was capacitated to hold bigger desks. It was the junior year architecture room, filled with drafting tables and computers. Mr. Adegbie had overseen teaching all architecture students on their junior year. He is very distinguishable man due to his appearance, tall and slim, with glasses and carrying a laptop in the hallways. Even those who did not have Mr. Adegbie as their teacher had seen him once throughout their time in high school.

During this time in architecture class, we were instructed with drafting a college dormitory. Initially the task was a group work, with the investigation happening as a group and discussing on what can fit with our given instructions. After getting the first steps completed, Mr. Adegbie had given us new instructions on how the assignment will conclude. As soon as he told us to get to work the classroom lit up with conversations.

            We sprung up from our seats, headed to the front for scrap paper, rulers, tape, and brushes. I would always grab material for myself and my table mate. After analyzing where my group had left off with our ideas, I started to add dimensions to our space. I added thickness to walls, measurements of doors from the nearest wall, the number of windows. This assignment reflected how we would like a space where students can congregate while in school. We provided a space for students to sleep but also interact with their suitemates.

            Writing the measurements was the easiest part of the process. As I moved forward with my architecture scale in hand, I had to transform the real-life measurement into a scaled downsize that was only inches. My measurements were precise, and my lines were pristine. I had measured first with a fine light line with a straightedge. I repassed it to measure my line and made sure my correct line was dark and crisp. My completed work had landed on the bulletin board of the classroom.  

3 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved – Diego”

  1. Hi Diego, it was captivating how you had described your high school in detail; down to what your teacher looked like ,all the way to the smallest details within your work. You were able to walk us through that class and how you perceived that day to have been.

  2. Hi Diego, I really liked how you described what you were doing in your class, but can you show me what you were thinking during that time when you were working on your group project and how you felt?

  3. I like how you were able to guide us through on what you were thinking and did a really good job at providing scenes. Is it possible to add some dialogues in the writing if there were any conversations during that time?

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