Writing Task Saved-Randy Carrasco

When I was in middle school I was an “okay” student but I did not try my best all the time, I wasn’t really motivated to do good in school until the soccer team tryouts opened. I love playing soccer and when the tryouts opened I wanted to be part of the team. But in order to join the team you did not only have to be a good player but you had to have very high grades and maintain those grades in order to stay in the team. After I found this out I was motivated to have good grades because I wanted to stay on the team and I was motivated to go to school as well. I was able to get in the team and stayed in the team through out all middle school because my good grades were consistent. This saved me because if it wasn’t for the team I would have had not so good grades.

Not only did the team help me with my grade but it also made me a better person. Before the team I wasn’t much of a social person and I did not really talk as much but after I was in the soccer team I became a more social person and I learned the importance of working together with other people.

2 thoughts on “Writing Task Saved-Randy Carrasco”

  1. Good start — yes, joining a sports team can be your savior in school.

    NOW can you think key events in your soccer team time that can move your story forward — your story about how soccer saved you. What kind of student were you? THink of a scene that would show me. Then what soccer game or practice event showed soccer turning your school performance around for the better?

    SO for example, do more than just tell me that: After I found this out I was motivated to have good grades because I wanted to stay on the team and I was motivated to go to school as well.

    REach back into your memory for a scene that shows you being motivated at school and soccer being the thing in your mind that motivated you to change.

    Make this an interesting story about how soccer changed you from what you were to what you can be — to you reaching your potential — to you triumphing. Maybe have an outline to plan the events that will move your story forward.

    Look at how Colin Powell showed how ROTC saved him. He didn’t just tell me he SHOWED me with scenes and events that created theatre of the mind for the reader.

    1. Yes I know how it feels in maintaining a sport and working hard to maintain your grades in the same time. That was me in Middle school playing Football and trying to maintain my honor status in the school. Sadly I wasn’t able to I was kicked off honor roll coming the next semester. I felt disappointed in myself, and felt all my accomplishments had went to waste. So that affected my football performance as well badly and my coaches started to get worried. So I decided to sit the season out to not harm no one, or shame the team name. Of course I felt like a coward, however, I had to get back on top of my education because I let Football get the best of me, instead of letting education get more of the best outta me.

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