Writing Task:Saved-Taniesha

In elementary school, I got held back in second grade and when that happened some teachers thought I had a learning disability and told my mother, she never told me, I overheard it in a conversation. At first, my small yet young brain never thought about it,thinking it wasn’t such a bad thing. But when I return to the same classroom, the school gave me a guidance counselor, her name was Ms. G and she was a light skin African American woman with thick  black glasses and moles on both of her cheeks. She always wore pretty dresses with a sweater that matched the dress she wore.When I first met her,I thought it was playing games with her since that’s what we do whenever she came to pick me from any of my classes but as the school went on, she began to pick up other girls who had “learning disabilities” like me. At first, I didn’t mind but as time passed it got annoying. The girls that Ms. G picked up everyday alongside me were even dumber than I was, they couldn’t even solve some simple problems or have trouble over the simplest of words while reading.

During the middle of the school year, I joined an art club out of boredom since I was tired of doing the same routine every day. On the first day of the art club, we were allowed to paint or draw whatever we wanted. At first, I didn’t know what to paint. My canvas was blank for most of the time until probably the last few minutes of the club, my blank canvas suddenly turned into a swirl of different colors. I guess it was a last second idea and when I finished, I showed my painting to the art teacher, she told me it was great, and I think that compliment from the art teacher actually started my hobby of painting when I’m stressed or need a break from reality. The qualities I attained from this club was probably creativity since before I wasn’t really creative until I joined the art club.

1 thought on “Writing Task:Saved-Taniesha”

  1. Very good start! Choose One Story — the Disability Story — or — the Art Club Story

    Which is more importnat in your eduational life? WHich would be a better story?

    Then if you choose the disability story — work on creating scenes: I think this part could be a great scene in a story. You write: “some teachers thought I had a learning disability and told my mother, she never told me, I overheard it in a conversation. “

    This could be great scene with you listening in sort of spying as a little girl. I love this sentence: “At first, my small yet young brain never thought about it,thinking it wasn’t such a bad thing.” Can you show me what were the thoughts going through your “young brain”? Show me that inner dialogue.

    THEN also

    You write: But when I return to the same classroom, the school gave me a guidance counselor, her name was Ms. G and she was a light skin African American woman with thick black glasses and moles on both of her cheeks. She always wore pretty dresses with a sweater that matched the dress she wore.When I first met her,I thought it was playing games with her since that’s what we do whenever she came to pick me from any of my classes but as the school went on, she began to pick up other girls who had “learning disabilities” like me. At first, I didn’t mind but as time passed it got annoying. The girls that Ms. G picked up everyday alongside me were even dumber than I was, they couldn’t even solve some simple problems or have trouble over the simplest of words while reading.

    Good description on Ms. G. Now can you create a scene in her room (describe Ms. G’s room) “playing games”. Then a description of how the room/relationship/games changed with new girls joining in and how you realized they were “dumber” than you. Better to just say “couldn’t solve problems” that were easy for you.

    IF You choose the Art Club story — then think how this club saved you and find scenes that tell that story. Make an outline of the scenes or events that move your story forward. Create scenes that would make THEATRE of the mind for your reader.

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