Task Mentor Quote- Randy Carrasco

“You have big shoes to fill”

My father told me these words while we were in the car on our way to dinner. I was in my senior year of high school and it was the month where you submit your college application. I was in the car with my dad and sister and we were talking about my college future when my father said those words.

My father said those words to me because that same year my sister had just finished college and she got her master’s degree, so when he said those words he was basically saying that I had big shoes to fill since my sister had accomplished getting her masters degree. I knew my father did not mean anything negative with those words and I knew that but when he said that I did feel pressure because I knew that he expects me do well in college and in life in general. But I took his words as motivation to do good in school and in life to not let him down

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