Mentor qoute – Daniela

” Don’t stress what you can’t control “. 

I would say my mentor is my mom. She has guided me and helped me see the best in many situations when I wasn’t able to. She said this particularly during my senior year. I was feeling very lost and confused because I didn’t know what would happen after graduation. I did what I could. I was figuring out what I wanted and I was very anxious about everything that was coming. 

She noticed and she told me that I shouldn’t dwell too much on the future and ” be more present”. I knew I’d done everything I had to do, and just had to wait to see how things would play out. It was difficult though, because I knew things would be very different. Despite everything , I can say that I’m glad that I am where I am right now. What’s meant for you won’t pass you by, and whenever I feel unsure of myself, or that I haven’t done enough, I still remember her telling me that. Things happen the way they are supposed to and I won’t If I know I have tried my best.

1 thought on “Mentor qoute – Daniela”

  1. You write: during my senior year. I was feeling very lost and confused because I didn’t know what would happen after graduation. I did what I could. I was figuring out what I wanted and I was very anxious about everything that was coming. 

    Could this be an important scene? What was happening? Where you when you felt this? What is the best example of this feeling of being lost and confused — were you in your college application class with the counselor? Who was there?

    I also like these words from your mother: I shouldn’t dwell too much on the future and ” be more present”.  It’s so important to be present. It sounds very zen and buddhist.

    Look at Student Meryam’s Ed Narrative — she pays tribute to her mother — Her REAL HERO.

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