Writing Task Mentor Quote — Lisa Liu

“You were very bold and would do everything without hesitation when you were a little kid, why is it different now?”

When I heard this sentence from my mom, I felt both disappointed and speechless. This kind of statement has been appearing several times in recent years. I know that my bravery came from my ignorance and curiosity as I was a kid. My mom has way more mentoring quotes to me but this one speaks to me the most as I really feel that way. My mom has always been supportive and engaging when I lose my confidence. As I grow older, I know more about the dark side of society and different points of view from varieties. I understand I can’t be “brave” every time because that might cause me to do wrong or misunderstandings from others. That “bravery” is reckless now.

I remembered there was a time I warned a woman in the laundromat that one of the washing machines was broken and she should not use it. But at the same time, the owner of the laundromat said that the machine does work. I didn’t think too much, although it surely didn’t work for me before. But because of what I said, my mom talked to me seriously and said I should not speak about that broken machine. I was really confused and thought I was just being kind to that lady. She said that the woman will not thank you because the laundromat owner proved the machine worked, they would think you are not helpful and hinder their business. I blew my mind. Even though I was being brave and saying a thoughtful tip, that isn’t the same to those ladies.

There were a lot of times I was being misunderstood because I was too “brave” to speak. I learned from my mistakes. Now, I know sometimes it is better to be quiet and listen first. But what made my mom say that quote? Maybe because I know I’m not that perfect. And I will lose confidence. I was brave but not very much after knowing about society and humanity in my life progressively. However, this quote also motivated me to know I shouldn’t be too timid every time and especially during making decisions. I should be brave and challenge things I’ve never met like when I was a kid.

1 thought on “Writing Task Mentor Quote — Lisa Liu”

  1. I understand how in some occasions it’s better to not interfere because you never know how a person truly is and how they will take your words or actions. Although, it’s good how you changed it into motivation and used it progress in life because it is a good mindset to have in most places that will maybe open new things for you.

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