Success Tips – Angel Sanchez

Tip 1 Understand deadlines What is “scaffolding?”: One problem that I’ve had since I was a little boy since elementary school is that I would be very bad at completing homework assignments on my own behalf and turning in work on time. I’m in college now and I definitely hope to get things more serious. So far I’m not doing so bad. But this tip helps me realize and comprehend the fact that I need to complete work on time especially when it matters most. But obviously we all know that much. What stands out in this tip is that it’s definitely ok to understand that the professors acknowledge if something is actually going on and I would need more time. Whether it is learning difficulty, time management or health/ families related issues. It’s definitely ok to have these problems. But a bad habit to have and something I definitely need to change is that we as students need to inform our teachers and especially as much time before possible for either extensions or to find a way around the problem. We can’t as students just assume the teachers will know if we don’t complete our work, then we would need an extension.

Tip 2 Participate: I never have a problem participating, I’m not anti-social. But I do sometimes believe I don’t participate enough. One thing for sure I can definitely agree on is that I feel like I learn more when I engage even if I ask the wrong questions or feel like my answers aren’t correct or even if they aren’t correct. When you ask questions or engage in a conversation you pay more attention to detail and you learn more on the things you’re more focused on getting the information you need, Let’s say it’s math work. As a professor is teaching their method and if you quite don’t get it or think you missed a step and it throws you off, instead of sitting there and not asking a question. Ask how he/she gets there. Why is there an extra number, why did he choose that step instead of a different one. Asking questions is essential to learning because why get stuck on something that will prevent you from learning further rather than just asking a question and getting an answer to move forward with your learning.

3 thoughts on “Success Tips – Angel Sanchez”

  1. Understanding deadlines is also a tip I want to work on. I always just did assignments the same day they were due in high school and then worried about the next day of assignments lol. Even projects I would just get them done in less than an hour. I probably did this because I knew in the back of my head I would just be able to make it up even if it was a week late because it was high school. But now in college, I think understanding deadlines should be easier since now the thought In the back of my mind is you’ll get a 0 and will never ever ever be able to make it up.

    1. Understanding deadlines is another piece of advice I want to work on. I never worried about assignments until the day they were due in high school; I just finished them. I could finish even projects in under an hour. I believe I did this because, given that it was high school, I believed I could easily make it up even if I was a week late and I realized that behavior and mindset would be my downfall in college especially because in college your responsible for your own time management.

  2. I’ve never really had issues with making deadlines i always make sure my work is handed in on time even though a few times they were late but for the most art i am good at. One thing that kind of goes with deadlines is procrastination. I always procrastinate no matter what on all of my assignments until the last minute which is a bad habit to have and is kind of hand ad hand with the deadlines because most of the assignments missed or late was due to procrastination. The tip you chose is good advice to me to use because although I’m good with getting it done on time it’s still a bad habit to have and has caused missed and late assignments so i’ll try this out too.

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