Intro-Randy Carrasco

Hi, I am Randy Carrasco. I was born on February 2, 2005 and I am currently eighteen years old. I went to Queens Technical High School and that’s where my interest to become an electrical engineer began, and now I am in City Tech to major in electrical engineering. I was born and raised here in New York City but my whole family is from Mexico. I am able to speak both English and Spanish fluently but my first language was Spanish. I go to Mexico every year, I have gone since when I was 6 months old and have gone every single year. When the pandemic happened and we had remote classes, I stayed in Mexico for that whole year.

I love music with a passion and I also love playing it. I know how to play the guitar and I’ve been playing it for about five years. Since I love playing the guitar me and my friends started a band last year and if you know who Peso Pluma is we play that type of genre. This year we have played in various night clubs and places and overall we had a good year.


3 thoughts on “Intro-Randy Carrasco”

  1. Hello Randy, from your picture I can tell you play a 12 string guitar, which is impressive. I also learned to play the guitar but lately I have not returned to playing it. I would play out of hobby but I can tell you are really interested in entertaining others. I also listen to corridos tumbados; I like the diversity of regional music. I really want to return to Mexico and live there for a year. I believe a change of setting can help you grow and achieve a better perspective on life. What state is your family from? Mine is from Puebla.

  2. Hey randy I’ve also learned how to play the guitar as well as the drums. I learned how to play in like 7th grade though so its been a while since I’ve played but I’ve been needing something new to do so I’m thinking about getting back into it or maybe trying to learn the piano. I also know a little bit of Spanish not much though and can understand a little.

  3. Great introduction Randy, I as well have a deep passion for Music and singing even though I don’t sing very well, I just love the tune. I am currently trying to learn Music notes better. I was trying to learn piano about 3 years ago, however, I didn’t succeed in it, I believe because I didn’t study on it as much as I should have. I currently know how to play drums a little bit. I am a true amateur in it, however , it’s a progress to get up there. I also know how to play bangos I also love the beat and tune from bangos. My Current favorite instrument is A bass guitar and the lead guitar, I just enjoy the extra tune it add unto the music or instrumental being played. I want to learn it, I haven’t made time yet for it, I will very soon though.

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