Douglass and Resilience-Faustina Gyamfi

Part A Q3: Douglass meant when he said “Learning to read can be a cure rather than a blessing” is because slave owners wanted them to remain unlearned so they could maintain their dependency and this exercise more control over them. Therefore, having this skill which he could not practice openly must have been a type of mental abuse also being literate caused him to have a bigger view of the world which will tend to disturb any personal delight which might be afforded by ignorance.

Part B: Something that has been hard for my educational journey when I was in my country, things in school were very hard for me because I didn’t know how to read, and I hated English because it was hard for me, and it wasn’t my first language. I wasn’t smart but I hard to learn.

Coming to the United States wasn’t my dream but I had to. But when I came here is my shyness. Back in high school, I was so shy that I couldn’t even answer questions in class or participate in school activities. It really affected my grade, but I try my best to get good grades.

1 thought on “Douglass and Resilience-Faustina Gyamfi”

  1. Part A: What is a CURSE?? What is a BLESSING? What does it mean that he was TORMENTED? Use these words in your answer. YOur answer is good, but I suggest ways to make it better!

    Part B:

    OK — you have told me about your difficulty, but the HW asks you to explain how you were resilient. It’s super important to read the HW question carefully.

    SO — Can you give dig in deeper to give more details about how you conquered your struggle with learning to read. Steps you took? Strategies (from Douglass) you adopted? How did you learn to be resilient?

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