Intro- Ikechukwu

My name is Ikechukwu Okoro or Ike can be used an alternative. I am a Nigerian who grew up in America and who has not been to Nigeria yet. I grew up in South Jamaica, Queens and I have lived here my whole life. I am also currently a sales associate at Marshalls. Some things I enjoy to doing is playing basketball, lifting weights, and playing video games.

My major is Electical Engineering and that is something I choose to do on my own. Right up until highschool I truly did not know what I wanted to go to college for. Along with that I was also a terrible student in terms of grades. I was a huge procrastinator and I just really did not care. Despite that, I find college to be different because learning feels better when it is something you actually want to learn and when it is something that you are going to utilize in your career in the future.

4 thoughts on “Intro- Ikechukwu”

  1. Ikechukwu: I am just noticing now that your name ends in my name: WU! What does your name mean? I think you did tell us in class, but could tell us again? Wonderful that your parents gave you a name that reflects your Nigerian background. Growing up, did your American classmates learn to say your full name or call you Ike? Have you read the Nigerian writer Chimimanda Ngozi Adichie? I have read her book Americanah; it was a super good read. I recommend it!

    Here is her webiste —

    It’s mature of you to be able to reflect back on your high school laziness. I am glad to hear that now you feel motivated as a college student. Having your own an inner desire to learn will sustain you more than any teacher’s pushing. Electrical Engineering is difficult major (my brother studied EE), and having your own inner desire to do succeed will help you get there.

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