RAB Proposal – Joshua Ferdinand


How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed education. This topic interests me because I dealt with the having to relearn everything I already knew but had forgotten. 2 years of being kept indoors and not being thought face to face a toll on me. At first I didn’t really take it serious and it caught up with me later on. I’m personally interested in this topic because when I was falling behind in Math I had no help, Nobody to sit down with and explain to me what I did or done wrong. This burned a hole in me not knowing what to do. That’s why I gave up. I know other students felt the same way. They tried and when it got to hard. They gave up. Learning how to use zoom, Teaching ourself how to operate a website with only a PowerPoint. Most teens in my option have a better learning experience with face to face. The kids I use to hang out with all had trouble. They couldn’t seem to learn amongst themselves. This lead to many kids around the world to drop out. It also lead many teens to stop trying and go get a job. Which lead to major dropout rates. The dropout rates where under 1% but then when the pandemic hit. The rates shot up dramatically and hit over 35%. With much higher rates for older students. Many teen didn’t dropout because they wanted to, But because they had “mental health issues, Financial issues.” I asked someone I knew that had dropped out during the pandemic and he even said “Online school is to hard and honestly it wasn’t for me. But if we had to go into school I would of never dropped out.” This is because getting up to go to school is something that kids are tough to do. When covid hit and students didn’t have a set time to get up from sleep. They slept in because they didn’t care. Some points I can find more about are why did the teachers and government keep school going during the covid pandemic. 

Sarah Mervosh; The pandemic hurt these students the most. Published July 28,2021 Updated Sep 7,2021  

This article talks about how the pandemic dramatically affected students in math and English. When they went back in spring it was no different. The teachers had to reteach the students all over again.

5 thoughts on “RAB Proposal – Joshua Ferdinand”

  1. I like the topic you picked and I can relate to you about the first few wells being fun and then it just wasn’t fun as it was. I also like how you talk being your own teacher during online learning.

  2. Joshua:

    You have a lot to say on this topic. You have chosen well!

    Can you follow the proposal paragraph template more closely? I already know that…Some points I plan to explore …

    You can use what you wrote and put it into the template structure.

    I like the part where you say students thought they were getting a “freebie” but they didn’t know how they would soon miss going to school.

    Like Abdullah, I was struck by this part: Math was already hard enough. Now I’m the teacher. Teaching myself a whole bunch of things that I don’t know.

    Yes, even as the teacher, I felt like on-line teaching was similar to teaching a correspondance course. Just assign the work and see what comes back. The students had to figure out a lot by themselves because with no face-to-face contact, how can teachers really teach?

    You might want to also consider how much learning students have lost during the pandemic. It’s called Learning Loss. Students have lost valuable time and learning and have fallen behind in basic skills. Young students did not learn to read….and for high school and college students there is also learning loss — not sure what but you can research this.

    And what about psychological effects. Did quarantine and isolation cause student depression and how does feeling depressed affect learning?

    Those are some ideas on going forward with this topic.

    Can you make your question more focused? Instead of the HUGE topic of education, make your question more streamlined. For example: HOw has the pandemic effected student learning loss? How has the pandemic effected student mental well-being and how does this effect their attitude toward learning?

    YOu found a good NYT article for this topic. Good job!

  3. Joshua: I was listening tonight to the PBS Newshour tv program and heard an education news story on student learning loss. PBS is an excellent and reliable source. These might be good for your RQ.

    1. This video news clip on tonight’s news program: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/nations-report-card-shows-test-scores-at-lowest-level-in-decades
    2. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/education/test-scores-show-how-covid-set-kids-back-across-the-u-s
    3. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/long-term-effects-of-covid-school-shutdowns-become-apparent-as-students-return-to-class

    And your excellent find from the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/07/28/us/covid-schools-at-home-learning-study.html

    So you have 4 good sources to start reading!

    I suggest refining your RQ to:

    How has the corona virus pandemic affected student learning loss?

  4. Joshua:

    Again I suggest refining your RQ to
    How has the pandemic effected student learning loss?
    If your RQ and your topic is more focused, you will find research more easily.

    You need to edit down this proposal. LOOK at the Assignment and the ANnouncements instructions for the template and follow it closely. Your Proposal is too long and rambles on. YOu have a lot that doesn’t belong here. Stick to the Paragraph Template I provided and follow it closely. The proposal should be about 10- 12 sentences using the template.

    Your article from NYTimes by Sarah Mervosh is good! REad it and see if you want to use it as one of your 3 sources.

    Remember also that in your proposal you should not have research — only what you know and your personal connection to the topic:

    When you write: The dropout rates where under 1% but then when the pandemic hit. The rates shot up dramatically and hit over 35%. With much higher rates for older students. Many teen didn’t dropout because they wanted to, But because they had “mental health issues, Financial issues.” — HERE YOU ARE Taking information from research. This part will come later but IT DOES NOT BELONG IN THE PROPOSAL!

    Remember that the Assignemnt says: Your proposal should explain a personal reasoning and connection to your RQ. Why are YOU personally interested in this RQ? Your proposal is just that a proposal, therefore it is written BEFORE you do the research! Your proposal should not have researching-sounding-speak.  

    ALSO THis does not belong: I asked someone I knew that had dropped out during the pandemic and he even said “Online school is to hard and honestly it wasn’t for me. But if we had to go into school I would of never dropped out.” This is because getting up to go to school is something that kids are tough to do. When covid hit and students didn’t have a set time to get up from sleep. They slept in because they didn’t care. 

    You could write: I noticed that some of my friends slept in instead of getting up on time. Because of the pandemic they didn’t have a set time to wake up. HERE YOU ARE EXPLAINING A PERSONAL CONNECTION — a personal observation from friends you know….

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