RAB Proposal-Faustina Gyamfi

My research question is: How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed teen Mental Health? This topic interests me because during this pandemic lot of students was very depressed. When covid-19 began lot of teenage were struggling with mental health. Students couldn’t sleep, eat, or study. It was like the world was about to crushed. Students felt lost constant approach to friends. Most teens found it difficult to approach their teachers, counselors, parents to tell them how they are feeling. This affect their school studies and make them fall behind. Most teenage thinks drugs or alcohol can help them feel less depressed but they don’t know they are risking their life. I already know that this pandemic has caused a lot of broken homes. Mental health can lead to bad things like suicide, drug abuse, unnecessary disability. Which it still happen even though the pandemic is over. Some points that I plan to explore and find out more about are what causes mental health and why do students take drugs or alcohol ?, and how can we stop mental health.

“COVID-19 Pandemic Worsens Teen Mental Health Crisis, New Study Finds.” HealthDay TV [English], 23 May 2022. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, link.gale.com/apps/doc/CT705700586/OVIC?u=cuny_nytc&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=36085de1. Accessed 24 Oct. 2022.

“Wes Moore – Student Mental Health.” The Washington Post Videos, 21 Oct. 2022, p. NA. Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, link.gale.com/apps/doc/A723706315/OVIC?u=cuny_nytc&sid=bookmark-OVIC&xid=09a7769d. Accessed 24 Oct. 2022.

5 thoughts on “RAB Proposal-Faustina Gyamfi”

  1. Faustina:

    You have to make this proposal MORE PERSONAL. Did you read the assignment — pls study again the GETTING STARTED PROPOSAL part of the assignment. You have used ideas that are not your own. THis is a proposal so there is no research involved yet. Your paragraph sounds like you have already done research. Instead the proposal should be in your own voice and with your own personal thinking. FOLLOW THE PROPOSAL PARAGRAPH TEMPLATE. It’s explained in the assignment!

  2. Faustina:

    You have to make this proposal MORE PERSONAL. Did you read the assignment — pls study again the GETTING STARTED PROPOSAL part of the assignment. You have used ideas that are not your own. THis is a proposal so there is no research involved yet. Your paragraph is NOT your own writing, your own ideas. It sounds like you are copying some research sounding language. Instead the proposal should be in your own voice and with your own personal thinking on why you are interested in this topic. FOLLOW THE PROPOSAL PARAGRAPH TEMPLATE. It’s explained in the assignment!

    In fact your question is NOT CLEARLY WRITTEN:

    How has the CV pandemic impacted and changed learning (remote), school life (QUESTION MARK NEEDED)

    Changed learning or changed remote learning? Well there was no remote learning before the pandemic! School life — what part of schoool life. What do you mean by the words “school life?” Remember the more specific your question the easier your researching will be.

  3. Faustina: This is better! You did an update here, yes?

    Could you include a few sentences about why you are personally interested in this topic? Did you get depressed because of the pandemic isolation? If not you, did you see your friends spiral downwards into depression? Did you see some use alcohol or drugs to deal with the pandemic blues? WHY ARE YOU FAUSTINA INTERESTED IN THIS TOPIC? Just a few sentences to add in to this proposal.

    Here are some source leads for you. Remember you need to use the NYTimes or another reliable journalism source




    About mental stresses on teenagers and school — https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/04/opinion/coronavirus-mental-health-teenagers.html

    Here is a NYTimes podcast (NYT has very good podcasts): https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/30/podcasts/the-daily/teens-mental-health-crisis.html

  4. I Think this is a very close to the heart topic because we are all teens that went threw this trauma. Some teens don’t know how to handle and deal with the things the pandemic did to them.

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