Reading Response Obama-Faustina Gyamfi

The grandparent’s argument

In this paragraph Obama’s grandparents argues about she was being aggressive with the husband saying that she wants to go with him in the car because last time she was a lot harassed and aggressively asked by a black man some money. The black was asking for money from the Obama Grandmother. She was scared so she gave the black man 1 dollar, and the black man was still asking for money, so she got screamed that he is going to beat her. This made a scene in her mind that my grandson is black too and he will turn out the same way. So, the grandparents argue over Obama (Berry) that she is racist, and she don’t want to see her grandson anymore. Later, on she said to Obama the same thing that she can bear with him anymore.

“That’s the real reason why she’s bothered. And I just don’t think that’s right”

This quote stood out to me because the grandmother was scared for the black guy who was asking from her money and that made her thinking that will happen to my grandson too like he will turn out like him and that’s not right. The grandfather doesn’t want that because that make the image of horrible accusation in her mind over his grandson.

Obama was hover over the world is her grandparents and the race because the grand mother is being racist to her grandson and the race is making it hard for Obama.

1 thought on “Reading Response Obama-Faustina Gyamfi”

  1. Faustina:

    Your answer is not clearly written and it is difficult to understand. You have misunderstood some points of this scene. We actually had a long discussion on this in class, so I am expecting much better answers from you. What happened?

    Prof. Wu

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