Yes, I had the experience of living between two different worlds. Quarantine for me and as for everyone was very hard. It felt like I was my own captive in a small area for such a long period of time. On the first day of quarantine, I thought it would be a breeze. “in bed everyday, I sleep whenever i want, school would be online so i could just get the answers online, play video games for any amount of time” I ponder to myself. The first few months were amazing. I was in my own little world inside my room, not wondering a lot about the world outside my room. But it didn’t take so long until that little world went crashing down.
August of 2020, My mom one day woke up with a really terrible stomach pain. i was sitting beside her in case she needed help with anything. Seeing her like that made me cry and she saw me cry and said to me “why are you crying? Stop crying, I’m okay.” A month later, she had to go into surgery. 2 months ago she underwent another surgery and now the doctors are telling my mom to prepare for the 3rd surgery.
Earlier of 2021 was when i started to dig deep within myself. Trying to rediscover and explore myself. At that time, my mental health was starting to affect my day to day life. I was just going through it in my head. That had now caused me to start overthinking. And till this day, i still overthink and then my thoughts and emotions start to play mind games with me. I’m not an open person, I don’t like expressing my feelings or the problems. It’s still a problem to this day but now I started expressing my feelings to people I trust and love.
When quarantine ended and schools reopened, I couldn’t wait to be outside everyday.
Abdullah: This is heartbraking paragraph in the middle about your mom’s illness. I hope it has turned out of for her.
NOW as a HW for Between Two Worlds, I do NOT see the two worlds you are living in. READ the HW in ANnouncements. You are told to make very clear what the two worlds are and you need to do this? And we are talking about two worlds that you are operating in at the same time. Remember Esmeralda Santiago was operating between her Puerto Rican Spanish speaking world and her new American English school world. Remember Amy Tan operating between her CHinglsh family world and the American English world. WHAT ARE YOUR TWO WORLDS HERE.
This is also very late HW. The due date for this was 9/25.