Reading Response to Malcolm X – Said

“From then until I left prison, in every free moment I had, if I was not reading in the library, I was reading out on my bunk. You couldn’t have gotten me out of books with a wedge. Between Mr.Muhammad’s teachings, my correspondence, my visitors–usually Ella and Reginald– and my reading of books, months passed without my even thinking about being imprisoned.” ( Paragraph 8)
This quote really caught my attention during the reading. This is because in the passage, Malcolm would talk about his experiences and this one was how he moved on and learned from his past. he started to appreciate life ore when he was put in a bad situation. He became more grateful for life. Malcolm saw and realized how good life is and how to appreciate the little thing in life. In addition, he made himself more of a man when he was revealing the truth to himself day by day and accepting the fact on how his skin color is seen.

1 thought on “Reading Response to Malcolm X – Said”

  1. Hi Said:

    Where is the picture of your annotated page?

    You have NOT done what the instructions are for this HW post. Please go back and read Announcements to see what you are supposed to do for HW 4. We actually did this very activity in class on Wednesday. You could have used your classwork for this HW. Why didn’t you? That was the point of the in-class activity on Wednseday!

    Prof. Wu

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