Douglass and Resilience- Michael

Part A:

Q3-  When Douglass said ā€œlearning to read had been a curse rather than a blessingā€ he is saying the more he read he found out the truth about slaver. The more Douglass found out slavery, it made him realised that he will probably be a slave for the rest of his life. Leaning to read for Douglass was suppose to be a blessing because during that period of time slaves where not allowed to be able to read or write. When Douglass also mentions ā€œfreedomā€¦ was ever present to torment meā€ he probably realized that freedom is just an illusion for him. That slaves will never have freedom and he started to over think. 

Part B:

One thing I found hard during my educational journey is how to write proper sentences/ paragraphs. During school I never liked taking English class, one because I was never good at it and it did interest me. I never know how to start a paragraph and when to end it. With sentences I donā€™t know if it is becoming a run on sentences or it’s fine. I find it confusing but over time I have been getting better. 

One thing I did is that I went to tutoring classes so I could get better. With those classes they would give me little templates showing how I should start a paragraph. One strategy I learned to do is to read some books in my free time. When I read a book I try my best to pay attention to how the author wrote their paragraph or sentence.       

1 thought on “Douglass and Resilience- Michael”

  1. Dear Michael:

    Thx for having the courage to share this difficulty. You need practice, that’s a big part of what it takes. And you are doing just that by doing these HWs. With practice and with more reading examples of good writing, you will improve.

    I have also put up some helpful videos and lessons on Sentence Errors and Sentence Boundaries and how to write a paragraph. Please go to the Grammar WRiting Skills page and click on some of those links. Also the Writing Center Tutors can absolutely help you with all these issues.

    You must work extra hard to improve on the sentence and paragraph level. Please please use the help from the tutoring center. THey are there just for you. I am glad you realze your struggles with writing, now take the next step and use the college resouces, tutoring to help yuou. Look at my Grammar Writign Skills page. Read like A Writer to study what good writers do on the sentence level and parapgraph composition.

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