Intro — Jayden Jamison

Hello, my name is Jayden Jamison. I am 18 years old and puerto rican and black. I was born in Virginia but raised in Nc/NYC. I’m a first year at City Tech, majoring in liberal arts in sciences. I plan on using my time at City Tech as a college trial; finding my interest and passion along the way. I enjoy reading manga, watching anime, Playing games (LoL, WoW, f1) mainly in the RTS genre. I also like participating in club or sports activities. I used to be an avid runner for my highschool track and Xc team. However, I have not been very active since online learning, but wish to become athletic once again. I enjoy learning languages or information on other cultures. At the moment I can speak fluent english and beginner level mandarin.

In 10 years I hope to have become a better person someone with strong willpower, dedication, and consistency. I spent my highschool time being too satisfied with bare minimum, making empty promises and doing nothing to improve my self. But I wish to use my college time wisely and grow into a role model or leader for others and myself. At heart I am nonchalant anti social person but if u approach me for any reason don’t be nervous I am a kind and respectful person.

The picture is the LoL game I Play

But recently I’ve playing dokkan battle which is a mobile Dragon ball game. The picture below is my current team on my new acc.

3 thoughts on “Intro — Jayden Jamison”

  1. You are learning Mandarin. Wow! It is such a difficult language to learn! I also would like to learn to read and write. I can only speak at a basic level, but my accent is pretty good because it was my first language! I wish my parents had forced me to speak Mandarin at home, but at that time, I believe they felt being American was more important. So they wanted us to fit in just like mainstream Americans. It’s wonderful that you have an open mind to learning languages. That makes it easier to meet people who have different cultural backgrounds and travel and eat great food!

    It’s mature of you to be able to reflect back on your high school laziness. I am glad to hear that now you feel motivated as a college student. Having your own an inner desire to learn will sustain you more than any teacher’s pushing. having your own inner desire to succeed will help you achieve your college goals. As far as not knowing what your major is, it’s ok to take your time. It’s important to find something you are passionate about.

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