Class Info

  • Date: Thursday August 25
  • Meeting Info: Room V812

To-Do Before Class

  • Join the OpenLab Course Site (see this post for help)
  • Purchase Textbook (Ching, Francis. Building Construction Illustrated 6th Ed. John Wiley and Sons, 2020.)
  • Purchase/Borrow and set up your drafting equipment (you should have this already since you should have taken Intro to Architecture class)
  • Confirm access to your CityTech Email Address
  • Confirm Cunyfirst and Blackboard is directed to you Citytech Email Address
  • Create or confirm you have access to you City tech Dropbox account
  • Download and join Slack (see separate email invitation sent to you Citytech Email address


Course Introduction


  • Class Introduction
    • Introduce yourself
  • Pre-Reading and Drawings Assessment
  • Introduction to ARCH1231
  • Home drawing setup
    • Acquire required drawing materials and set up home drafting station (refer to the syllabus and the list of supplies on the ARCH 1231 Course Hub for required technology and home setup requirements)
  • Emphasis on Reading Note taking and Presenting
    • Purchase Textbook
    • Read Together: selection from Building Elements
      • Practice first concept map together on Miro
  • Groups and Group Assignments
    • Presentation Teams and Protocols
    • Lead 20-30 minute discussion
    • All team members to participate
  • Module I: Case Study Order and Geometry Diagram

To-Do After Class

  • Reading 1 
    • Refer to the reading list on the ARCH 1231 Course Hub for specific pages
    • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
    • In addition to your notes + sketches, be sure to reflect on and answer the following questions: 
      • How does the book define architecture? 
      • How does that compare / contrast with my own understanding of architecture?
    • Due Wednesday February 9, 11pm to Miro and Dropbox
  • Module I: Case Study Order and Geometry Diagram
    • First draft of plan geometry diagram, measured sketch
    • Bring to class

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