Files:  All students submissions must be in PDF format (not jpeg). All files (drawings, reading notes, sketch assignments) must be named as follows, starting with your name:

LastName_FirstName_ARCH1231_2024_SP_Professor_Mod#_Reading# or DrawingTitle_YYYYMMDD.pdf

Sample drawing assignment filename format:



Sample Reading Notes/Sketches assignment filename format:


Organa_Lea_ARCH1231_2024_SP_Romeo_Mod1_Reading6_Building Envelop_20210129.pdf

Reading Notes and Sketches MUST be submitted as a single PDF multipage

file for each reading topic in required list. Each page of Drawing must be

submitted individually. Crop, rotate, or adjust your image as necessary.

Any submission not conforming to the above standards will NOT be accepted and must be resubmitted.