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Become a Pro Architect with TOGAF Certification Program

TOGAF is an Open Group Standard which is the open Enterprise Architecture standard which is used by the leading organizations of the world towards improving the overall business efficiency. To obtain the highly professional TOGAF certification, you have to clear the specialized TOGAF exam. If you are willing to contribute significantly to any organization in the field of architecture, then you can avail for the special Simplilearnā€™s TOGAF Certification. Here, you can get access to several TOGAF practice tests, exam questions, sample papers, informative videos, and others to help you clear the TOGAF entrance exam in the first shot itself.

TOGAF Certification Course Objectives

The TOGAF certification program by Simplilearn helps the candidates in mastering the core principles, concepts, terminologies, and the overall structure of the TOGAF exam ā€“which is the global framework for the EA (Enterprise Architecture). TOGAF (The Open Group Architecture Framework) certification course offered by Simplilearn is recognized as one of the most important requirements for enterprise architects of the worldwide organizations. The specialized Simplilearnā€™s TOGAF Certification course of the latest version is aimed towards meeting the specific requirements of the TOGAF certification program that help the candidates in passing the given exam in the first attempt.

Key Features of the TOGAF Certification Course

When you avail the special Simplilearnā€™s TOGAF certification course, you get an access to a host of helpful tutorials and test papers that prepare you well for the upcoming TOGAF exam. Here are some of the important features of the special Simplilearn TOGAF certification course:

  • Intensive Training: The given certification course for enterprise architects follow an intensive 32 hours of training which is led by some of the highly qualified and experienced instructors in the given field.
  • Self Learning: If you wish to achieve self learning, the course structure offers around 21.5 hours of self-paced learning for the overall development of the necessary skills of an individual.
  • Best Preparation: With access to several TOGAF reference cards and word puzzles, the candidates are ensured of the best preparation being offered to them.
  • Accredited Course: The given course of TOGAF certification by Simplilearn has been accredited by the Open Group standards for TOGAF.
  • Overall Preparation: Consisting of several Simplilearn TOGAF practice test papers and quizzes at the end of every chapter, the TOGAF certification course by Simplilearn aims to prepare the candidates in the best possible manner.
  • Corporate Training Solutions: The course aims to offer high-end corporate certification & training course which covers the major aspects of all that need to studies under the TOGAF course. There is the provision of blended learning delivery model, Enterprise-class Learning Management system, enhanced reporting, and 24/7 teaching assistance & support.

Benefits of Professional TOGAF Certification

When you avail the professional TOGAF Certification course from Simplilearn, there are several benefits that you achieve out of the same. EA (Enterprise Architecture) is a specialized professional field that is usually associated with leading organizations of the world. Enterprise Architecture with respect to the organization is concerned about the overall optimization of the available IT resource. It is mainly directed at motivating the invested amount of money towards strategic systems, instead of wasting the same on short-term objectives.

One of the most important advantages offered by the particular TOGAF certification for any individual is that in the current scenario, the employers are constantly looking for certified professionals in certain fields in almost all the leading organizations of the world. A certified professional is able to work directly for manufacturers, retailers, banks, and other similar organizations. A certified professional might even offer expert EA consultancy. The world now is observing several organizations of the globe hiring certified EA specialists to contribute majorly to their working structures.

Given the high need of professional, trained workforce in the field of EA, it is vital that the aspiring candidates should obtain the needed TOGAF certification. If you are looking for reliable TOGAF certification, then you can obtain the same from Simplilearnā€™s TOGAF Certification course.

Importance of TOGAF Certification

Introduction to the professional TOGAF certification helps the big organizations, including both private as well as public sectors, towards bringing about the standardization of the open method of the IT architecture. As such, there are immense advantages of the TOGAF certification that can be availed by the professionals all around the world. If you are looking forward to make it big in any leading organization of the world, then you can stand out from the rest by obtaining this TOGAF certification. Under this course, the candidates are given proper classes and training to become an expert in the field of EA. TOGAF training will help in the demonstration of the level of professionalism in the field of architectural processes and principles by the employers. Ensure the best in your career through TOGAF certification!

Top eCommerce Ebooks to Boost Your Online Business

Looking for some lucrative ways to set up your online business? You can come across several ebooks on the online platform that offer a complete guide to setting up your online business from the scratch. These ebooks can guide you to set up your online business in an effective manner by helping you at every stage of the development process. Whether it is the simple concept of what is an online business to how to do effective online marketing ā€“you can get all the relevant information on such ebooks related to E-commerce.

If you are looking for some informative and helpful e-commerce ebooks, then here is a list of our top suggestion:

  • The Ultimate Guide to Starting Your First Ecommerce Business: As the name of this guide explains, this serves to be a complete guide to setting up your first-ever ecommerce business with much ease. Consisting of seven chapters, this informative ecommerce ebook by Tomas Slimas guides you through the process of setting up a highly profitable ecommerce store on the online platform. As you go through the chapters, you will start understanding each & every aspect of ecommerce business & its establishment process. A highly recommended one; this ebook might be your chance to a successful ecommerce business online!Ā 
  • The Social Media Marketing Book: Social media marketing is an integral part of any ecommerce business. If you have set up your ecommerce store and do not know how to effectively perform social media marketing, then it is of no use. To get an insight into effective & successful social media marketing, you can get this ebook by Dan Zarella which explains you about the ways of planning, executing, and monitoring your social media marketing campaigns. Through attractive & informative infographics in this ebook, you can learn all about social media marketing quite easily.Ā 
  • Landing Page Optimization ā€“The Definitive Guide to Testing & Tuning for Conversions: This ebook by Tim Ash is your end guide to optimizing the landing page of your site. The presence of poorly optimized landing pages on your site can have a highly detrimental effect to the overall success of your online business. As such, it becomes highly important to optimize the same in an effective manner. You can do the same by learning all about it through this insightful ecommerce ebook.Ā 
  • Ultimate Guide to Link Building: This ebook by Eric Ward & Garrett French can help you understand the concepts of effective link building for the success of your online business. Effective linking can play a major role in boosting your site rankings over the important search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. As such, you can learn about it through this ebook wherein you will learn the ways to link building in an effective manner.

Learn all about ecommerce and its wide platform through these helpful ecommerce ebooks! These will help you throughout your journey of online business ā€“from the beginning till its final execution.

The perks of attending a Digital Analytics Course

With an enormous amount of data that exists all around us, it is essential to understand how to interpret this data. Appropriate interpretation of this data will enable us to make the most of the digital boom that exists in the present day. It is to be noted that web analytics is not merely a process for measuring web traffic. It is one of the most efficient tools for business and market research and can also be used to access and improve the effectiveness of the website. These days, web analytics has pretty much taken the advertising world by storm. By measuring the results of traditional print and broadcast advertising campaigns, web analytics has proven to be a boon for many companies. It enables them to estimate the real-time impact of a new advertising campaign on website traffic. Popularity trends as well as traffic, which are the most important components of market research, can be easily gauged by the use of this tool. Information like how many visitors wade through a website and how many people view various pages in a site can be easily obtained through web analytics.

The present day is one of the best time to be a web analyst. Professionals who have taken a web analytics course will find that the demand for their skill is outrageously high. A good analytics courseĀ is aimed at training an individual to uncover market patterns and trends thereby developing actionable insights that will guide a team to deliver positive results. It teaches students everything about the digital analytics ecosystem. From social and content analytics to acquisition, retention, and KPIs across different channels, a good course leaves no stone left unturned.

What is important when developing relevant and effective web analysis is the creation of objectives and calls-to-action from an organizational. This fosters identifying all the key performance indicators (KPIs) and measuring the success or failures of those objectives and calls-to-action.Ā  All of this will be dealt with details in the web analytics course previously mentioned. Thus a person who has undergone the web analytics course will be able to take on the challenges that the dynamic industry throws at him.

It is important for marketers to understand their visitors and address to the needs of different clients. The findings of analytics services reveal the current market demands and the market demand varies with geographic location. Once it is known what the visitors from a particular location is looking for, a marketer can adapt their marketing approach to meet personalized requirements. By learning what is taught in the web analytics course, a marketer can track the volume of visitors and performance of business related to visitorā€™s interests and demographics data. The demographic details include age, gender, and interests of the visitors visiting the website. The web analytics can even identify how long visitors spend time on the website. Such data will help the business to identify their target market. This type of efficient marketer can only be a person who has professional training like a certification from this web analytics course.

Through Market Motiveā€™s Advanced Web Analytics Certification Training Course, one gets access to 25+ hrs. of e-learning downloadable workbooks. The updated content and quizzes ensure that oneā€™s interest in the subject matter is dealt with while the learning curve increases exponentially. The engaging course material and extensive hands-on experience make sure that one master the various components of web and data analytics properly.

What is subconscious mind?

If I talked about subconscious mind then it is the most surprising part of the human body even you canā€™t imagine about it. Nobody knows about the incredible power of this and how it handles the situations in the every part of life.

The most amazing thing of subconscious mind is that it is million times powerful then the conscious mind according to their processing speeds.

Several people think that the unconscious and subconscious is the inter-related words. But in reality, they both are different terms and their meaning is also far different.

There are two main rules for doing the work of the subconscious mind. By repeating, everything becomes a part of the subconscious mind (habit). There is no difference between the subconscious mind and the imagination. Based on these two rules, we can now make changes in habits in our lives as you like, can put new qualities, work impossible

Psychologists have divided the mind into two major parts.

  1. Animate mind ā€“ It is that part of the brain in which the information of the action is happening and the conscious mind is the conscious mind. It is based on objective and logic.
  2. The subconscious mind – this part of the brain beyond the awakened brain is the subconscious mind. We do not know about it, its experience is less.

How the mind works

Understanding the human mind is very important. A common man’s brain weighs 3 pounds i.e. 1 kg to 500 grams. More than 75 percent water, 10 percent fat and 8 percent protein is made in human heart. It is the organ of more than all parts of the body.

Human brain reacts even more sharply than computer, many of which still remain intriguing puzzles for scientists.Ā  There is still more to hide the curtain from many of these secrets. Human brain keeps blood pressure, pulse rate, heart rate and breathing process normal. He controls all parts of the body.

The right part of the brain controls the left part of the body and the left side of the body.

– Information about different parts of the body reaches the brain at different speeds.

– It is believed that due to blinking 20 thousand times a day, we remain blind for 30 minutes in a day.

– The brain can live without getting oxygen for about 6 minutes, but if there is more time then, the risk of developing its dynamism increases.

Mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians etc are the brains in animals. But the human brain is unique. It is not bigger than all but it gives us the power to imagine everything and resolve the problem. This is an amazing organ.

Differences in conscious and unconscious mind

Consciousness and unconscious is the part of our psychology. The problem mind is an indispensable part of the human soul, which cannot control the unconscious. Let’s look at this in more detail. The conscious mind is also termed as making awareness of the things by own. This thing reveals that our conscious mind is helpful to take awareness of the things like feelings, attitudes, beliefs and sensations. If we raise our consciousness indirectly we are raising the awareness of our self.

In the other hand, unconscious mind is considered as that part of our life in which we are not so aware. But if the situation comes about the health and healing, then the unconscious mind is as important as your conscious mind.

So, both the conscious and unconscious mind is necessary for the human beings to help us to tackle the situations easily and suddenly. The both part acts like the two phases of the coins, if one is showing other is hidden and the other is working one is hidden.

How New York Businesses can Reduce their Electricity Costs

New York City is a place where businesses can get energy cost reductions they cannot get anywhere else. In a competitive marketplace like New York City, business is made tougher when Con Edison and National Grid NY consistently raise energy prices on their commercial clients. There are ways for businesses in New York City to save money on electricity and still compete in the Big Apple.

Alternative Energy Suppliers

Over the past few years, New York City has become a focal point for the idea that companies can compare business electric rates among different suppliers and use options to lower costs. If you feel that your business electricity costs are too high, then you can do an instant rate comparison online to find a better rate through a better company. You can also compare the services you get through Con Edison or National Grid NY with what alternative energy suppliers offer, and find a program that better suits your needs.

Energy Cost Savings Program

TheĀ Energy Cost Savings ProgramĀ (ESCP) offers regulated electricity and gas rates that be as much as 45 percent discounted from standard rates. Any small business owner looking to cut back on their electricity costs will want to sign up for the program to see if they qualify. The companies that do meet the guidelines for the program will not only save money on electricity costs, but they will also get a better return on their investment in upgrades and repairs to their commercial properties.

Business Start-Ups are Changing the way New York City Thinks

It was not that long ago that Manhattan was considered the undisputed king of commercial and residential development in all of the five boroughs of New York City. But programs such as the Start-Up NY plan have put the focus on small businesses, and now boroughs like the Bronx and Brooklyn are seeing influxes of new business and new residents.

Before the influx of start-ups in New York City, there was never a need for entrepreneurs to compare business electricity. But with the large selection of alternative suppliers offering options to a growing number of commercial clients, there is plenty of competition that can help businesses to get great energy rates.

Going Green is Big in New York

New York City is one of the top areas in the country for encouraging businesses to use more environmentally friendly operations methods. On occasion, the city or state will offer incentives to businesses that convert to renewable energy sources such as wind or solar power, and businesses can even make a little money by selling the energy they generate back into the public grid.

Be Smart with New York City Energy

If your business is located in a New York City skyscraper, then get tinted film for your windows to reduce the amount of energy that gets through your windows. During the summer, untreated windows can result in huge energy bills. The skyscrapers in New York City can create wind tunnels in the streets below that can become great places for small windmills at ground level businesses. Have an energy professional look over your business and find out how you can make New York City work to lower your energy bills.

If you own a business in New York City, then you can go online to get an instant rate comparison from the growing number of alternative energy suppliers in the area. There are also government programs you can look into to lower your energy costs and bring down the costs of doing business. New York City has a lot to offer, and that includes many unique ways to lower your energy costs and add profit to your company’s books.

Isolation of DNA from Samples

Cell Free DNA, also known as circulating cf-DNA is a type of DNA located in the bloodstream. Cell free DNA extraction has been proven to acquire potential as a noninvasive substrate for the diagnosis and monitoring of tumor cells in the human body. As circulating tumor DNA is often present at low frequencies within cf-DNA, targeted sequencing can be the best tool for DNA mutation recognition. cf-DNA in plasma is commonly used for basic and specialized medical research, including different cancer types studies. However, some commercially available cf-DNA isolation kits have tiresome procedures, make use of many testing agents, and frequently require heat for DNA circumvention and Protease K treatment, which ends up making the entire process delicate and cumbersome.

Extracellular nucleic acids can exist in several body liquids such as serum, bronchial lavage, plasma and other body vital fluids and their evaluation has gained increasing attention during modern times. The effectiveness of the research of cell-free DNA has been demonstrated in several domains such as prenatal examination utilizing fetal DNA from maternal plasma and the analysis and prognosis of patients with cancer. On top of that, it was shown that the study of cell-free DNA in patients with nonmalignant diseases could be of value. Because of the small volumes and highly fragmented character of cell-free DNA in plasma and serum, it continues to be a problem to accomplish fast, efficient, and reliable isolation. Commercial products for the isolation of DNA from body liquids have mainly been developed, paying their attention to medium- and high-molecular-weight DNA, that is viral and Cancerous DNA. Little work has been allocated to fast and productive commercially available purification systems for the isolation of highly fragmented DNA from body liquids. Thus, many existing products have weaknesses regarding separation of small DNA fragments from basic body fluids. Another concern in the purification of cell-free DNA is the reduced concentration of the marked DNA. Essentially, the cleaning method should enable processing reasonable test amounts at the same time for elution in an exceedingly small volume.

Developments in next-generation sequencing (NGS) tech now allows the utilization of cf-DNA as a biomarker for liquid biopsy research applications. Successful use of cf-DNA as a cancer research biomarker requires an easily implemented protocol to gain access to the design template and efficient DNA removal from large amounts of plasma (1-10 mL). Owing to the small volumes of cf DNA (10-1,000 copies/mL) in the bloodstream. The capability to concentrate and review the limited cf-DNA within those big plasma volumes with solutions such as NGS permits researchers to obtain more information at a quicker rate than with the available methods. The availability of blood examples suggests that cf-DNA removal and examination could be beneficial in cancer research for possible diagnosis and monitoring of tumor cell growth in future.

In spite of the fact that THP convention is cheaper, modifiable and more powerful to isolate cf DNA from constrained clinical specimens, it is not recommended for use in large scale. Then again, using a cell free DNA extraction kit in the case of lower yields builds the false negative cases. All in all, it’s recommended that labs utilize DNA Blood Mini Kit for features, but to be on the safe side, ensure negative predicted samples should be reevaluated using THP protocols to avoid false results.

Surviving Mesothelioma

47-year-old Ruth Phillips was devastated to hear that she was suffering from a disease she hadnā€™t even heard of until then. Ruth was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in 1999, a rare cancer of the lining of the lungs, the heart, and the stomach.

Every year, about 3000 people in America alone are diagnosed with Mesothelioma and an equal number of people succumb to the same .But many mesothelioma survivors across the globe have beaten such odds to rise above the challenge and prolong their lives, sometimes up to a decade from the year of diagnosis. The web is full of survival stories from such inspiring mesothelioma victors who are more than willing to share their accounts.

Kathleen from Wisconsin was not deterred by her first prognosis. It was a second and a third opinion that opened doors to a pleurectomy surgery for her. Her faith in God, she says, has been her most important companion during the course of her treatment .Tim C., the brave heart from Kennesaw took advantage of the age on his side and opted for an aggressive extrapleural pneumonectomy surgery, which enabled him to cross the 10-year survivor mark during which he has lived a whole another lifetime .Jodi P. celebrated her success at her 30th birthday with valour as she crossed skydiving off her bucket list, something she wasnā€™t going to refrain from doing just because she was dragonised with mesothelioma at a tender age of 26.Take a leaf out of Paulā€™s story, whose mesothelioma survival story has made it into a book of its own! And why shouldnā€™t it? For in 1997, doctors presented Paul with a prognosis of no more than a few months.His mesothelioma was in its advanced stage and medication options were scarce .And yet, through a complete change in his lifestyle and diet and help from his doctors, Paul managed to beat the odds and became the longest living mesothelioma survivor.His book, ā€œSurviving Mesothelioma and Other Cancers: A Patient’s Guideā€ is now a source of inspiration for many others like him, a handbook of guidance and a story of survival no one except for someone who has sailed through the storm of mesothelioma can has brought forth the story of Sean Gee, a mesothelioma ā€œwarriorā€ celebrating 19-years of remission post a surgery for testicular mesothelioma.

More than any survival statistics, it is these survival stories that continue to inspire thousands diagnosed with mesothelioma every year. Given that the data that sources mesothelioma survival statistics depend only on cases in the past, and are subject to the treatment options available to them then, it is safe to assume that all these factors have some degree of inaccuracy associated with them. Through sheer willpower, faith, support from family and friends, proper care, and a healthy lifestyle, mesothelioma patients continue to prolong their remission years and write stories of inspiration for many others like them.

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