In addition to the library’s in-person instruction program, we’ve been working on developing (and assessing) online resources for students. For the past two years, we’ve also been focusing on integrating digital library guides, tutorials, and resources with the platforms that most City Tech faculty use in their classrooms: OpenLab and Blackboard.
Some of our current projects include a usability study to improve the landing page for Library Research Guides. Edra Stefaj, our Instructional Design intern, launched the study last week and wrote up a description of the project and our methodology on the Library Buzz Blog!
Also, underway is a project to seamlessly integrate library guides into Blackboard courses and to embed library widgets in OpenLab course templates. For more on that project, check out our recent write up: The Library is in your Course!
Over the past 3 years, with the help of graduate students, we’ve created a collection of self paced online tutorials that students can complete in under three minutes. Check out our latest tutorial on search strategies.
We’ve also made some updates to our library orientation website. If you (or your students) are new to the library and want to learn the basics of what we offer and dust off some research skills, check out our interactive online orientation.