Author Archives: Anne Leonard

End of semester reflections – fill out the survey, and podcast listening on Thursday

Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts on this semester’s class via a short survey here.

Below is the schedule for Thursday’s class:

Thursday, December 20:
Urban Evolution: Anesha, Donna, Zu Qiang
Social Effects of Development: Saqif, Terry, ChuXin
Investigating Public Space: Renso, James, Giuseppe
Urban Design: Ericka, Katherine, Chimdiebube, Joel

Podcast listening schedule this week

By now most everyone has indicated when you plan to introduce your podcast. If your group has not, please do so by commenting on this post before the start of class today. The schedule is below. All project site administrators should make sure that all of your work appears on the OpenLab project site by no later than the beginning of class on Thursday.

Tuesday, December 18:
Large Scale Architecture: Davit, JP, Mirna, Sabrina
Gentrification Breaking into our Homes: Daniela, Maricel, Edith, Ralph

Thursday, December 20:
Urban Evolution: Anesha, Donna, Zu Qiang
Social Effects of Development: Saqif, Terry, ChuXin
Investigating Public Space: Renso, James, Giuseppe
Urban Design: Ericka, Katherine, Chimdiebube, Joel

Listening to all groups’ podcasts next week!

Next week’s class meetings are devoted to listening to each group’s podcast and reviewing each group’s contribution to the OpenLab project site. One member of each group should leave a comment on this post by the end of the day Monday to let us know which day your group plans to introduce your work in class – Tuesday, December 18 OR Thursday, December 20. Yes, we are listening in class!

Best of luck on all of your projects and finals, everyone.

December milestones for the podcast project

Today in class groups worked on their scripts, and most were able to determine dates, times, places, and equipment needs for podcast recording.  On Thursday, groups should be prepared to offer a status update for their podcast scripts. Any groups that wish to use the library’s equipment or spaces for podcast recording (especially outside of class meeting times) should let Prof. Leonard know their plans via email, OpenLab message, or in-class communication. The library’s Multimedia Resources Center has USB headsets with microphones and iPad Minis you can borrow. The free Anchor app lets you record and edit podcasts on your phone or tablet.

December 11: in class time to rehearse and record; finalize technical production; podcast scripts due at the beginning of class.
December 13 is reading day! Time and space for group work is available though classes do not meet
December 18: Podcast listening part I
December 20:Podcast listening part II; all content must be posted on OpenLab project site; reflections & wrap-up

Podcast recording appointments

On Thursday, November 29 we will have more time in class to plan, research, and write the script for your podcast. Each group should have a script ready for your professors’ review in class on Tuesday 12/4 or Thursday 12/6. Starting Tuesday 12/4 we will have access to L540, the library classroom, and the Multimedia Projection Room. Groups might also use library study rooms to record. If your group wishes to use Jean-Pierre’s recording equipment, someone representing your group should reply to this post with a comment telling us when you plan to record.

Final podcasting project guidelines

Your podcast assignment is the final project for the semester. Each group will contribute a page to an OpenLab project site we will create together. Each page will contain the following elements:

  • 15-20 minute podcast (audio recording)
  • uploaded annotated bibliography and outline; references for any images, music, etc that you use
  • a few original images (photographs or sketches produced by a group member) that illustrate the research question or theme. Images should have descriptive captions.

See the step-by-step podcast instructions from Prof. Almeida for technical assistance with recording and editing.

In addition to creating and editing an audio recording, each group will:

  • Strategically incorporate or reference at least two relevant information sources.
  • Provide basic metadata for your podcast including at least three descriptive keywords.
  • Select a Creative Commons license to dictate how your podcast can be used by others.

This activity will be completed in 4 stages

  1. planning and prewriting
  2. research and script development
  3.  technical production
  4. listening & reflection

Key Dates

November 27-29: planning and prewriting – in-class time to research, write, rehearse, and record; OpenLab project site creation
December 4: research and script development – in class time to write and rehearse
December 11: in class time to rehearse and record; finalize technical production; podcast scripts due during class
December 13 is reading day! Time and space for group work is available though classes do not meet
December 18: Podcast listening part I
December 20:Podcast listening part II; all content must be posted on OpenLab project site; reflections & wrap-up

Resources for recording
The Multimedia Resources Center in the City Tech library lends out USB headsets with microphones. Use your college ID to borrow a headset/mic. Headsets must be used in the library. You can borrow an iPad Mini for up to 3 days from Multimedia with your college ID.

If you need a quiet place to record, reserve a library study room. During class time, you may use the library projection room. Bring a laptop with Audacity or other recording software already installed. You can record with your phone using the voice memo app or Anchor for iOS or Android.

Grading criteria

  • Successful attempt to answer research question
  • Inclusion or references made to at least two relevant information sources (articles, books, maps, films, etc.)
  • Equal participation of group members in podcast recording
  • Good effort made to successfully record, produce, and edit
  • All required content appears on OpenLab site
  • Podcast successfully uploaded to Soundcloud with images and metadata
  • Podcast is between 15-20 minutes long
  • All content is cited in the bibliography, including images and music
  • Selection of an appropriate Creative Commons license

Podcasting presentation

Today Prof. Nora Almeida from the library presented Podcasting: Like the Radio, but Different. Past semesters’ podcasts live on SoundCloud, and you can browse podcasts on all topics through Stitcher (and download the app to your phone). Complete guidelines for the podcast project will be posted soon. Consider what kind of your creative work with Creative Commons licenses you will want to assign to your podcast.  As we move into group work on the final project, additional work space will be available. We will be able to use L540, the big library classroom, and L432, the projection room, to research, write, and record. You do not have to do all recording, editing, and production in class.

The group annotated bibliography is due on Tuesday, November 27.

Looking ahead to the rest of the semester, here is a (slightly) updated schedule:

Tuesday,  November 27 Group Work: Final Project; Annotated Bibliography due
Thursday, November 29 Group Work: Final Project
Tuesday,  December 4 Group Work: Final Project
Thursday, December 6 Group Work: Final Project
Tuesday,  December 11 Group Work: Final Project Editing
Thursday, December 13 Reading Day; group work optional and strongly encouraged!
Tuesday,  December 18 Final Project Presentations
Thursday, December 20 Final Project Presentations / Wrap Up

Enjoy the holiday weekend, everyone!

Podcasting guest lecture on Tuesday 11/20

In class today we briefly reviewed the article “Tturning your Investigation into a Podcast” and discussed some of the qualities of a good podcast, like using a hook or narrative arc that appeals to your audience, rehearsing your script, speaking clearly, and sounding natural (not like you are reading from a script). On Tuesday, November 20, our guest Prof. Nora Almeida of the library will speak on producing podcasts, so be sure to bring any questions you have about the technical aspects to class.

The annotated bibliography is due on Tuesday, November 27, after we return from the Thanksgiving break. Please get in touch with your questions about the assignment and any questions you may have about books, articles, and other media.

Links to demographic data research

In class we explore various databases to conduct research on demographics. Below are links and descriptions:

Library databases (off-campus login with barcode from college ID):
Social Explorer – create your own maps, graphs, and other visualizations from contemporary and historic US Census data

InfoShare – create custom tables from New York and national demographic data | guide

Statista – statistical and demographic information with an emphasis on business and industry

Free to all:
American FactFinder – portal for US Census data, no login or authentication required

Stats and the City from Crain’s New York – economic and business data from Crains, a business news source

NYC Open Data – includes 311 data

NYPD – data on crime and traffic

Groups! and the midterm student survey

Today in class we formed research groups and completed group résumés:

gentrification breaking into our homes: Maricel, Edith, Daniela, Ralph

urban design: Joel, Chimdiebube, Katherine, Ericka

open space & safety: Giuseppe, James, Renso

Le clé (BC architecture): Sabrina, Davit, JP, Mirna

Community Before & After: Zu Qiang, Anesha, Donna

the flow of people : Saqif, Terry, ChuXin

It’s time for the midterm student survey. Please complete the survey by the end of the day Wednesday. The next assignment is the group project outline. Assignment guidelines and a rubric are on the Assignments page and will be distributed in class Thursday.

If you did not complete the podcast listening and blogging assignment for today, please do so before Thursday.