In the section of the article called Taxonomy vs. Folksonomy the author quotes researchers for ideas on this discussion . Bob Doyles believes that taxonomy doesn’t exist in folksonomy and that it pertains to no categorical hierarchy. Reynolds states that traditional taxonomies have limitations. He considers taxonomy good for static information, but not very affective in dynamic information. Static information consist of fixed or predetermined information, good examples are ones giving by reynold ” entries in encyclopedia or books in a library.” While Dynamic information consist of rapid changes in information that consist of blogs, RSS stream, ect. The Author states that Folksonomy drawbacks are the flip sides of its advantages. For example, although an abundance of tags could give a user a broad spectrum of information to search, it can also draw a limit to its findability to fixed information, which can lurk behind any of its tags.
Taxonomy can be defined as a Division in to ordered groups or categories.
Although Thomas Vander has created the word folksonomy to define “growing phenomenon of users generating metadata by tagging pieces of digital information with their own searchable keywords,” It could also be defined as a Division into unordered groups or categories(Inverse of taxonomy),because not everyone will categorize a specific piece information using one word that accurately describes its content. This growing phenomenon can impale both taxonomy and education. Thats simply because at times peoples perception of true information can be altered by experience. This perception then can become metadata, hence harming users who are searching for predetermined information. But on the other-hand, if properly contained, Folksonomy can aid users in social networks or blogs to access information a lot accurately.
What political philosophy does Folksonomy fall under, Liberalism or conservatism?
what role does Folksonomy play in education?
Would the collaboration of both taxonomy and folksonomy serve the public’s common interest?