Welcome LIB 1201 students!

If you’ve found the course site already, congratulations, and welcome to the Spring 2013 semester. This semester we’re using Research Strategies by William Badke, 4th edition. It will be for sale in the college bookstore and is widely available second-hand for $20 or less. You can also purchase the ebook in Kindle, Nook, and Kobo formats and also as a PDF for $10 from the publisher’s website. There are copies available on reserve in the City Tech library; request it at the library’s circulation desk with this call number: Z710 .B23 2011

The class meets from 2:30-3:45 on Tuesdays and Thursdays in A543, which is on the upper floor of the City Tech library.

Looking forward to a productive and interesting semester!

~Prof. Leonard

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One Response to Welcome LIB 1201 students!

  1. Tojo says:

    We often hear those famous words that says “Knowledge is power.” And that is actually true. Information is a fact learned or provided about something or someone. In other words, it is meant to inform someone and has to be reliable, current, and relevant. In the Antique ages, informations used to be passed on (by Speech/demonstration) from generations to generations. Then, printing was discovered by humanity . It helped spreading a lot of informations to others by books or press. Nowadays, looking for information has become a lot easier than it was a decade ago. All of that was possible thanks to the World Wide Web or also called as the internet created by Gutenberg. Unfortunately, it has become really hard to obtain an accurate information because everyone could actually express and gave their own information to the world: people have their own blog, website, and so on. The informations are there but are mixed with a little bit of the author’s personal opinion which can sometimes make the information wrong. In chapter 8, Badke tells us how we can actually manage to work faster and enjoy doing a research paper in a very short amount of time. I really find it interesting and useful because it is just very simple. Sure, the Glutton can be done but it takes a lot of time and more hard work dedication. In conclusion, it might be impossible to actually know and read all of the information in the source that was given to us but it is possible to gain a lot of understanding by just taking what we really need.

    Tojo Rasedoara

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