A process of Documentation is used by a person for a better understanding of the process required in order to achieve a goal.  For my example, I choose a video that  most men does not know how to properly do. And that is non other than to make the perfect tie. First, choose and take a tie. Then, pick up the wide end  to the left hand and the narrow end to the right. Later on, if you folow the steps on the video correctly, it should be in a form of a triangle. Once you get  that shape and pull the wide end through, take that wide end of the tie and  insert it inside the loop triangle (at the front). Make sure everything is straight and there you have it. This video in my opinion is very helpful because it saved me a lot of my time and easy to learn. Its process of documentation was very straight to the point and showed me the basic thing I needed to know. Although, it would be a lot nicer if the video was recorded professionally (higher quality). But over all, it was okay.

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