opening access to knowledge

The internet has the too much power. This is why several companies have emerged to gain control of that power through copyright law, and benefit economicaly through it. Aaron Swartz saw this as an injustice he could not stand by, so in a way, he fought back. He downloaded thousands of aticles illegaly, nobody knows what was the purpose of his action. However, we can assume why he did so. For sevral good reasons he thought downloading all those articles illeagaly was a good idea. Amongst those reasons were that he saw the internet as a gateway for  knowledge. He saw it as the opportunity to grow as a species to heights never imagined. But inorder for this to happen there can’t be a block in this flow of informations from the authors to the public. After downloading the information he was quickly charged with 13 felonies, all of which were dropped after he returned the infomation and payed a fine. He later comitted suicide for unknown reasons. His death was not in vain, he helped raise awarness of this issue so that more companies like JSTOR could offer information through less restrictions to the public.

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